Azure / aztk

AZTK powered by Azure Batch: On-demand, Dockerized, Spark Jobs on Azure
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User login prompts for password I never provided #708

Open j-bettin opened 4 years ago

j-bettin commented 4 years ago

Tried to SSH into cluster on Windows 10 using the following but faced similar issue to #368: Secrets.yaml seems to be in the right format (public-private key pair is found, password for private key accepted). But no matter if for default user "spark" or a newly created one, I am then asked for a password I never provided, and can hence not access the cluster:

C:\Users\[...] > aztk spark cluster create --id mycluster1 --size 0 --size-low-priority 2
cluster id:              mycluster1
cluster toolkit:         spark 2.3.0
cluster size:            2
     dedicated:      0
     low priority:      2
cluster vm size:         standard_f2
subnet ID:               None
file shares:             0
gpu enabled:             False
docker repo name:        aztk/r-base:latest
wait for cluster:        False
  - rstudio_server
Cluster mycluster1 is being provisioned.
C:\Users\[...] > aztk spark cluster ssh --id mycluster1
spark cluster id:              mycluster1
open webui:                   http://localhost:8080
open jobui:                    http://localhost:4040
open jobhistoryui:             http://localhost:18080
    - open:                    http://localhost:8787
ssh username:                  spark
connect:                       True
The authenticity of host '[]:50000 ([]:50000)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA[...].
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:50000' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
spark@[IP]'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

The issue persists when recreating the key-pair, or registering it on the cluster according to, p.7.

manthanthakker commented 4 years ago

This works for me:

aztk spark cluster ssh --id mycluster1 --username yourname OR aztk spark cluster ssh --id mycluster1 --username yourname --host