Azure / azure-apihub-sdk

ApiHub Pro Dev SDK
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No bulk insert available? #3

Open sandervandevelde opened 6 years ago

sandervandevelde commented 6 years ago

Hello, I checked for the available methods of ITable.

In my production case, I have to insert 300+ records within a minute, for one client (having multiple clients). But after 40 records, using the CreateEntityAsync() method, I get a "The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests". It seems to be that I am throttled.

I would like to see a bulk insert feature for this promissing functionality. Can I expect that to be implemented?

Or is there a work-around?

paulana commented 6 years ago

I can definitely agree that this feature needs to be revisited. As well as returning the newly created records with the generated primary key.

With these limitations, the SQL data connection is not very viable for production use.

safihamid commented 6 years ago

This was an experimental project and we are no longer adding new features. Our guidance is to use LogicApps + Functions.