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azure data factory - link a shared integration runtime via az cli #5129

Open RobBowman opened 2 years ago

RobBowman commented 2 years ago

I have two data factories. The "shared" data factory has an integration runtime that I'd like to share with the "client" data factory via az cli.

I am able to do this via the portal by navigating through the "shared" data factory \ Integration Runtimes \ Edit \ Sharing tab and selecting "Grant permission to another Data Factory or user-assigned managed identity".

My problem comes when trying to achieve the same via az cli. I have tried the following sequence of two az cli commands:

az datafactory integration-runtime self-hosted create --factory-name adf-rb-shared `
  --integration-runtime-name shir01 `
  --resource-group rg-adf-shared 

az datafactory integration-runtime linked-integration-runtime create `
  --factory-name adf-rb-shared `
  --integration-runtime-name shir01 `
  --resource-group rg-adf-shared `
  --data-factory-name adf-rb-client-001

The first command seems to work and does create a new integration runtime in the "shared" data factory.

However, the second command gives the following error:

(UnsupportedVersionForSharableIR) None Code: UnsupportedVersionForSharableIR Message: None Target: /subscriptions/sub-number-here/resourceGroups/rg-adf-shared/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adf-rb-shared/integrationruntimes/shir01

Anyone see where I went wrong?

yonzhan commented 2 years ago
