The parameter (--zone) to specify the list of availability zones into which provision the resource for a public ip (az network public-ip create) is different from the parameter with the same purpose for other resources such as application-gateway and vmss, where for both the parameter is --zones.
To keep a standard, should better if we can have this parameter exactly like it's used in other resources (--zones instead of --zone)
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ID: c12e07f8-d82f-a9ac-895a-b6d980c8c4c2
Version Independent ID: 43924bb5-20bd-6a0e-9cdc-90b1db46e599
Because these commands were only support one zone before. Recently it support multi zones. In order to avoid breaking change we keep the old names. We can add an alias --zones if needed.
The parameter (--zone) to specify the list of availability zones into which provision the resource for a public ip (az network public-ip create) is different from the parameter with the same purpose for other resources such as application-gateway and vmss, where for both the parameter is --zones.
To keep a standard, should better if we can have this parameter exactly like it's used in other resources (--zones instead of --zone)
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