I am trying to create a bash shell script that lists containers in all my storage account. The problem is that the CLI generated sas token does not appear to be valid.
Now if try and list the containers with the CLI generated sas token:
az storage container list --account-name $storage_account_name --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv --sas-token "?st=2023-04-27T15%3A14%3A33Z&se=2023-05-27T15%3A14%3A23Z&sp=rwdlacup&sv=2018-03-28&ss=bqtf&srt=sco&sig=REDACTED"
I get:
Authentication failure. This may be caused by either invalid account key, connection string or sas token value provided for your storage account.
But if I go into the Azure portal for the storage account and generate a sas from there I get:
I am trying to create a bash shell script that lists containers in all my storage account. The problem is that the CLI generated sas token does not appear to be valid.
Here's what I am doing:
Results in:
Now if try and list the containers with the CLI generated sas token:
az storage container list --account-name $storage_account_name --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv --sas-token "?st=2023-04-27T15%3A14%3A33Z&se=2023-05-27T15%3A14%3A23Z&sp=rwdlacup&sv=2018-03-28&ss=bqtf&srt=sco&sig=REDACTED"
I get:
But if I go into the Azure portal for the storage account and generate a sas from there I get:
Note the different order of the parameters and the date encoding differences.
Running exactly same command with the azure generated sas token works fine.
I expected that the CLI generated token should work no different than the token generated from the Azure portal.