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Adding resiliency model property on VNG create and update commands #29489

Open diagaval opened 1 month ago

diagaval commented 1 month ago


Related command

az network vnet-gateway create az network vnet-gateway show

Resource Provider


Description of Feature or Work Requested

Feature request to add a property resiliencyModel on gateway creation or update. az network vnet-gateway create az network vnet-gateway update az network vnet-gateway show

Feature Details To drive resiliency for Azure resources and enforce customers to have multi-site resilient setup, customers will have “resiliency model” as a parameter on the gateways at creation. Any virtual network gateway created with gateway_type as ExpressRoute that is marked as multihomed should be connected to at least two ExpressRoute circuits in distinct peering locations or should be connected to an ExpressRoute circuit in metro locations. The behavior for a gateway that is marked as singlehomed will remain the same as current experience.

--resiliency-model The generation for the virtual network gateway. --resiliency-model should be provided if gateway_type is ExpressRoute.

Accepted values: SingleHomed, MultiHomed

New Parameter --resiliency-model (az network vnet-gateway create and az network vnet-gateway update) New string parameter for command az network vnet-gateway create:

Allows customer to choose SingleHomed or MultiHomed as the resiliencyModel for the gateways with gatewayType is ExpressRoute. --resiliency-model (az network vnet-gateway create and az network vnet-gateway update) Options for this new parameter: Allows customer to choose SingleHomed or MultiHomed as the resiliency option for the gateways.

az network vnet-gateway show --ids

{ "name": "resGw", "id": "/subscriptions/8c992d64-fce9-426d-b278-85642dfeab03/resourceGroups/diagavalRg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/resGw", "etag": "W/\"aee5a5f4-61a0-4695-b10f-5b46a3532da3\"", "type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways", "location": "centraluseuap", "tags": {}, "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGuid": "65621a40-48a6-45e6-a523-de7fa8fa2a92", "packetCaptureDiagnosticState": "None", "enablePrivateIpAddress": false, "isMigrateToCSES": false, "virtualNetworkGatewayMigrationStatus": { "state": "None", "phase": "None", "errorMessage": "" }, "ipConfigurations": [ { "name": "default", "id": "/subscriptions/8c992d64-fce9-426d-b278-85642dfeab03/resourceGroups/resRg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/resGw/ipConfigurations/default", "etag": "W/\"aee5a5f4-61a0-4695-b10f-5b46a3532da3\"", "type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/ipConfigurations", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic", "publicIPAddress": { "id": "/subscriptions/8c992d64-fce9-426d-b278-85642dfeab03/resourceGroups/diagavalRg/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/exrPublicIp" }, "subnet": { "id": "/subscriptions/8c992d64-fce9-426d-b278-85642dfeab03/resourceGroups/diagavalRg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/resVnet/subnets/GatewaySubnet" } } } ], "natRules": [], "virtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroups": [], "enableBgpRouteTranslationForNat": false, "disableIPSecReplayProtection": false, "sku": { "name": "Standard", "tier": "Standard", "capacity": 2 }, "gatewayType": "ExpressRoute", "vpnType": "PolicyBased", "enableBgp": false, "activeActive": false, "vpnGatewayGeneration": "None", "allowRemoteVnetTraffic": false, "allowVirtualWanTraffic": false, "adminState": "Enabled", "resiliencyModel": "MultiHomed" } }

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No response

yonzhan commented 1 month ago

Thank you for opening this issue, we will look into it.

necusjz commented 1 month ago

@diagaval as current is security semester, is your feature request related to any 'security' topic?

diagaval commented 1 month ago

No @necusjz. This does not have anything related to security.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hi, this inquiry has been well received albeit being triaged as non-security related ask.

Azure CLI is currently prioritizing direct SFI requirements and items and this request does not seem to be related to SFI. We'll retain it in our backlog at this point. Please reach out to if you'd justify it's highly customer-impacted and need to be escalated.

Thank you,

Azure CLI team

diagaval commented 1 month ago

@necusjz What are the timelines we are looking for the backlog requests? We are aiming to get this in before the upcoming release. Based on the timelines provided, I can get it escalated if needed. Thanks

necusjz commented 1 month ago

@diagaval as mentioned, we're working heavily on security-related features. i cannot give you a solid timeline at that moment

diagaval commented 1 month ago

@necusjz Does an escalation from PMs help here? We are targeting this feature as part of 183.

necusjz commented 1 month ago

@necusjz Does an escalation from PMs help here? We are targeting this feature as part of 183.

you guys can contact with our pm (alias: mingxuli) about that