Azure / azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3

.NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API
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LINQ support for Group By #1202

Open ealsur opened 4 years ago

ealsur commented 4 years ago

Capturing requirement for LINQ GroupBy support to track future progress.

markjbrown commented 4 years ago

Stack question on this,


pnda489 commented 4 years ago

Is there any ETA for this?

valerionatangelo commented 4 years ago

We really need an ETA on this feature.

dan-matthews commented 4 years ago

/bump... I've been waiting for this feature a loooong time and it seems SO close :)

AshishMoradiya commented 4 years ago

Waiting for group by support

petro2050 commented 3 years ago

any update?

joergeugster commented 3 years ago

still waiting....?

ealsur commented 3 years ago

@khdang Do you have any updates on this request?

onionhammer commented 3 years ago

This would be tremendous! Are the supported operations documented somewhere or do we just figure it out by trial and error at runtime?

fvalentiner commented 3 years ago

It would be amazing! It's basically the only thing holding us from migrating to CosmosDB

alexeymarkov commented 3 years ago

Any news there? Requesting all entities to the client and doing GROUP BY and COUNT operations at the client results in a significant higher RUs...

adstep commented 3 years ago

Love to see this feature supported.

adamreed90 commented 3 years ago

Please! <3

vengi83644 commented 3 years ago

Must needed !!!

j82w commented 3 years ago

@timsander1 any update on this?

timsander1 commented 3 years ago

This is on our long-term roadmap but unplanned in the current 6 month semester. For now, we recommend using SQL queries instead of LINQ if you need to use GROUP BY.

dan-matthews-takeda commented 3 years ago

This is on our long-term roadmap but unplanned in the current 6 month semester. For now, we recommend using SQL queries instead of LINQ if you need to use GROUP BY.

Unfortunately, using SQL queries just isn't possible for us - and I suspect most people using LINQ queries. We build up a query using LINQ expressions, often using generics through a repository pattern or similar. To construct SQL queries would require an entire and extremely complex re-architecture of our entire solution. Not having GroupBy LINQ support is actually killing our Cosmos DB RUs - we're having to double-hit the DB with large result sets.

I understand that everything has a priority so, given that this ticket has been open over a year already, is the delay due to low priority or complexity of implementation?

vengi83644 commented 3 years ago

This is on our long-term roadmap but unplanned in the current 6 month semester. For now, we recommend using SQL queries instead of LINQ if you need to use GROUP BY.

Unfortunately, using SQL queries just isn't possible for us - and I suspect most people using LINQ queries. We build up a query using LINQ expressions, often using generics through a repository pattern or similar. To construct SQL queries would require an entire and extremely complex re-architecture of our entire solution. Not having GroupBy LINQ support is actually killing our Cosmos DB RUs - we're having to double-hit the DB with large result sets.

I understand that everything has a priority so, given that this ticket has been open over a year already, is the delay due to low priority or complexity of implementation?


jstensved commented 3 years ago

This is on our long-term roadmap but unplanned in the current 6 month semester. For now, we recommend using SQL queries instead of LINQ if you need to use GROUP BY.

Unfortunately, using SQL queries just isn't possible for us - and I suspect most people using LINQ queries. We build up a query using LINQ expressions, often using generics through a repository pattern or similar. To construct SQL queries would require an entire and extremely complex re-architecture of our entire solution. Not having GroupBy LINQ support is actually killing our Cosmos DB RUs - we're having to double-hit the DB with large result sets.

I understand that everything has a priority so, given that this ticket has been open over a year already, is the delay due to low priority or complexity of implementation?

I can't agree more. Our database is too big to even be able to fetch everything into memory and count. It must be done server-side.

kipusoep commented 3 years ago

Looking for this 'feature' as we speak, too bad it's not implemented yet.

leonids2005 commented 2 years ago

this is a big problem for us as well!!! Really need this feature!!!

randolphpark commented 2 years ago

I am expericing same issue. Please do cosnider to prioritise this feature. Much appriciated.

onionhammer commented 2 years ago

GroupBy is kind of an antipattern until cosmos can somehow utilize the index under on the server; currently it has to read through every single document to execute a group by

leonids2005 commented 2 years ago

why it is an anti-pattern I do not understand? If the engine cannot efficiently execute the operation it does not mean this is an anti-pattern :)

Group by is supported by SDK so it should be supported in Linq... this is a standard functionality imo.

onionhammer commented 2 years ago

If the engine cannot efficiently execute the operation it does not mean this is an anti-pattern :)

it would be great if it were supported, but it would be even better if the server supported it better so groupby's cost wasnt directly proportional to how much data is in your container.

When I query 'select count(c) from c' and get back 127000, it costs 11 RUs and .6ms

When I query 'SELECT count(c), c.Stage FROM c GROUP BY c.Stage`, I get back 8 records and it costs 4574 RUs and 127ms

fvalentiner commented 2 years ago


We use the Synapse Link feature to do that. So far it has worked great. A bit slow to get the SQL Queries out of Synapse but overall works ok

onionhammer commented 2 years ago

@fvalentiner we use that too for our reporting in PowerBI, but not our frontend application servers - too slow, as you said.

leonids2005 commented 2 years ago

Curiosity, does the CosmosDB team read this, and how often? on the 23rd of April, they said it is not on 6 months roadmap.
I think we deserve some updates after 7 months.
We have raised this issue in our FastTrack project discussion but also have not gotten any response. :( ... disappointing.

Feel free to vote for this feature (it was actually not there :( ) - hopefully, it may increase the priority.

PKPublicCode commented 2 years ago

Let me congratulate this feature request on 2-nd anniversary :) Any updates on this feature?

timsander1 commented 2 years ago

Hi all, quick update that LINQ support for GROUP BY is planned for the first half of this calendar year. We're also investing in some improvements in GROUP BY performance that will be released around the same time.

onionhammer commented 2 years ago

Hi all, quick update that LINQ support for GROUP BY is planned for the first half of this calendar year. We're also investing in some improvements in GROUP BY performance that will be released around the same time.

Meaning investing in improving group by perf on the cosmos server side?

dan-matthews-takeda commented 2 years ago

Here's hoping that it will include the ability to sort by more than 1 column without an index ;)

timsander1 commented 2 years ago

Hi all, quick update that LINQ support for GROUP BY is planned for the first half of this calendar year. We're also investing in some improvements in GROUP BY performance that will be released around the same time.

Meaning investing in improving group by perf on the cosmos server side?

That's correct. Improvements within the query engine.

timsander1 commented 2 years ago

For additional feedback, could you please share ideas here:

While we review Github issues, they don't get nearly the same attention as the above site. We also post updates on the above site at a regular 6 month cadence, when we plan our roadmap.

ivpadim commented 2 years ago

Cant wait for this feature to ship!

shekarc commented 2 years ago

Do you know of the anticipated release date for this feature?

rmajid2 commented 2 years ago

Any updates on Group By Improvements (Linq support, engine optimization , index, RU Cost, Order By ...) ?

dan-matthews commented 1 year ago

Any news on this, Cosmos team? Been waiting for this feature a looooong time ;)

markjbrown commented 1 year ago

Adding @jcocchi

dave101ua commented 1 year ago

Hello ! Any plans regarding requested feature, please ?

rmajid2 commented 1 year ago


adamreed90 commented 1 year ago


Indeed it is supported in the query language but not supported with LINQ, the purpose of this raised issue.

dan-matthews commented 1 year ago

o/~ All I want for Christmas... is support for LINQ GroupBy... o/~

machielvisser commented 1 year ago

And we reached Q2 2023, even though @timsander1 indicated it was planned for H1 2022. What happened since then?

markjbrown commented 1 year ago

Adding @jcodella

jmolla31 commented 1 year ago

Hi do we have a roadmap for this?

dan-matthews commented 1 year ago

June 2023, and still all quiet on this most vital and wanted aspect of Cosmos DB! Given that this is such a hotly awaiting feature by so many people, but it is not ever being implemented - does this suggest the state of the overall Cosmos DB service? curious

jacobmohl commented 1 year ago

+1 on this...

jcocchi commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience as we work on this highly anticipated feature- we appreciate your feedback! Group By support in LINQ is planned for Fall 2023.

onionhammer commented 1 year ago

Will add #3935 after group by support is added