This is bad because it will block all requests to that partition until the address are retrieved from the gateway which can take multiple seconds if there are networking/gateway issues. If the new request fails then it has to be retried until there is a success. Ideally only the one address should have been marked as unhealthy and it trigger the cache refresh. That way the other 3 replicas can continue to process requests.
EnableTcpConnectionEndpointRediscovery causes an Address cache refresh when the TCP connection is closed.
This uses the direct ConnectionStateListner:
The ConnectionStateListner calls this UpdateAsync on the GlboalAddressResolver. The problem here is it does a TryRemove which will remove all the addresses from the cache.
This is bad because it will block all requests to that partition until the address are retrieved from the gateway which can take multiple seconds if there are networking/gateway issues. If the new request fails then it has to be retried until there is a success. Ideally only the one address should have been marked as unhealthy and it trigger the cache refresh. That way the other 3 replicas can continue to process requests.
This can be done by following a similar design as this: