Azure / azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3

.NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API
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invalid syntax for GetDatabase - closing paren is shown as closing square bracket #4526

Closed jsquire closed 3 weeks ago

jsquire commented 3 weeks ago

Issue Transfer

This issue has been transferred from the Azure SDK for .NET repository, #44375.

Please be aware that @zachz-microsoft is the author of the original issue and include them for any questions or replies.


Type of issue



Code snippet in article shows the following.

Database db = cosmosClient.GetDatabase("myDatabaseId"]; DatabaseResponse response = await db.ReadAsync();

the closing square bracket on the first line should be a closing paren

Database db = cosmosClient.GetDatabase("myDatabaseId"); DatabaseResponse response = await db.ReadAsync();

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ealsur commented 3 weeks ago

This reported issue is for the Azure.Cosmos package, which is unlisted and deprecated.

The documentation for the correct package Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos is correct:

Please do not use Azure.Cosmos.