Azure / azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3

.NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API
MIT License
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Add client option to use the System.Text.Json Serializer instead of Newtonsoft ... #4540

Closed bdcoder2 closed 2 weeks ago

bdcoder2 commented 2 weeks ago

When creating a Cosmos DB client, allow an option that will use the System.Text.Json serializer instead of Newtonsoft.

As per the StackOverflow question:

Instead of incorporating code as per the answer given in the question above, provide a client option that automatically uses the System.Text.Json serializer, for example, an option such as:

UseSystemTextJson = true

When the option is true, the "Serializer" can be set internally using the code from:

This simple change would allow us to use the System.Text.Json serializer with the Cosmos SDK (v3) without having to manually incorporate the code above.

Thank-you for your consideration.

bartelink commented 2 weeks ago

See #4330 (I basically asked for this in

Pilchie commented 2 weeks ago

Duplicate of #4330