Azure / azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3

.NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API
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Query: Adds distributed query gateway client pipeline stage #4556

Open neildsh opened 4 days ago

neildsh commented 4 days ago


This changes the DistributedQueryPipelineStage which acts as a client pipeline stage for a Distributed Query gateway. Customers can utilize this pipeline by setting an environment variable called AZURE_COSMOS_DISTRIBUTED_QUERY_GATEWAY_ENABLED to True. This pipeline stage uses an ICosmosDistributedQueryClient to talk to the distributed query gateway. For its part, this client just uses the DocumentClient to craft the requests using gateway mode. Integration tests are added in DistributedQueryClientTests. Since the distributed query gateway is not currently bundled as a part of the emulator, the only queries that can be integration tested are passthrough queries that are currently supported by the routing gateway.

Type of change