Azure / azure-cosmosdb-bulkexecutor-dotnet-getting-started

Bulk Executor Utility for Azure Cosmos DB .NET SQL API
MIT License
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2.4.0 dependency on DocumentDB conflicts with 2.2.0 dependency in Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.CosmosDB #52

Open ryanspletzer opened 5 years ago

ryanspletzer commented 5 years ago

If you've already been using the Cosmos DB Azure Functions trigger / binding then adding this in later doesn't work as the function binding relies on 2.2.0 version of Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB package.

Is there a reason that this package has a fixed dependency on exactly the 2.4.0 version of Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB package?

I opened a related issue on the extensions repo to see if they can rev it to 2.4.0.

Would it be possible for this package take a dependency on Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core instead? Relying on DocumentClient via the DocumentDB parent package might be causing some issues vs. relying on the Core package.

Sidenote: is the source code for the BulkExecutor present somewhere? This repo just has samples.