// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364596(v=vs.85).aspx
// Pinvoke to set the file as parse
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern bool DeviceIoControl(
SafeFileHandle hDevice, int dwIoControlCode, IntPtr inBuffer, int nInBufferSize, IntPtr outBuffer, int nOutBufferSize, ref int pBytesReturned, [In] ref NativeOverlapped lpOverlapped);
// Marks the file sparse when we create the local file during download. Otherwise if we have threads writing to the same file at different offset we have backfilling of zeros
// meaning we are writing the file twicedue to which we get half the performance
internal void MarkFileSparse(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)
int bytesReturned = 0;
NativeOverlapped lpOverlapped = new NativeOverlapped();
bool result = DeviceIoControl(fileHandle, 590020, //FSCTL_SET_SPARSE,
IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref bytesReturned, ref lpOverlapped);
if (result == false)
throw new Win32Exception();
This diff adds code to skip the MarkFileSparse method on non-Windows platforms.
This seems to be a day 0 bug in the bulkdownloader code. MarkFileSparse method is called in the downloader when downloading a large file. This method marks the file as sparse using win32 api(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364596(v=vs.85).aspx) as a performance improvement.