Azure / azure-dev

A developer CLI that reduces the time it takes for you to get started on Azure. The Azure Developer CLI (azd) provides a set of developer-friendly commands that map to key stages in your workflow - code, build, deploy, monitor, repeat.
MIT License
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swa: ability to use swa-cli.config.json #3553

Open ankur198 opened 2 months ago

ankur198 commented 2 months ago

When deploying SWA using azd lacked the ability to configure complex build commands. swa cli natively utilises swa-cli.config.json along with flags.

Changes on this PR allows azd to detect the swa-cli.config.json. If not present, then use the default behavior of swa cli.

IMO this is much better trade off than lacking ability to setup swa options.

Linked issue: #1953 #1759

fix: #1953

ankur198 commented 2 months ago

Changes Explanation: Instead of utilizing the --app-location and --output-location flags of the swa CLI, we can execute the swa CLI directly within the directory of the appFolderPath. This approach allows the swa CLI to identify the swa-cli.config.json file if it exists. If it doesn't then swa CLI's default behaviour will be invoked which will be consistent experience for developers who were using swa CLI previously.

vhvb1989 commented 2 months ago

@ankur198 , thank you for your contribution.

Your initial changes were not enough because azd was not using the swa cli for building the service. I have updated the PR so azd follows the same approach as it does with docker.
When azd detects staticwebapp as the host for the service, azd will not directly build the service based on the language. Instead, it will invoke swa build and use the configuration from swa-cli.config.json

If there is not a swa-cli.config.json, azd returns the same error from the swa-cli.

vhvb1989 commented 2 months ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 months ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 2 months ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 months ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 2 months ago

/azp run azure-dev - repoman

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 months ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
azure-sdk commented 2 months ago

Repoman Generation Results

Repoman pushed changes to remotes for the following projects:

Project: todo-csharp-cosmos-sql

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-csharp-cosmos-sql -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-csharp-sql-swa-func

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-csharp-sql-swa-func -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-csharp-sql

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-csharp-sql -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-java-mongo-aca

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-java-mongo-aca -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-java-mongo

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-java-mongo -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-java-postgresql-terraform

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-java-postgresql-terraform -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-aca

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-aca -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-aks

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-aks -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-swa-func

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-swa-func -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-terraform

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-terraform -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-python-mongo-aca

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-aca -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-python-mongo-swa-func

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-swa-func -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-python-mongo

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo -b pr/3553

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Project: todo-python-mongo-terraform

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3553

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-terraform -b pr/3553

View Changes | Compare Changes

vhvb1989 commented 1 month ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 1 month ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 1 month ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 1 month ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 3 days ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 days ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
vhvb1989 commented 1 day ago

/azp run azure-dev - cli

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 1 day ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
azure-sdk commented 1 day ago

Azure Dev CLI Install Instructions

Install scripts


May elevate using sudo on some platforms and configurations


curl -fsSL | bash;
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- --base-url --version '' --verbose --skip-verify


Invoke-RestMethod '' -OutFile uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1
Invoke-RestMethod '' -OutFile install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose


PowerShell install

powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '' > uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1;"
powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '' > install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose;"

MSI install

powershell -c "irm '' -OutFile azd-windows-amd64.msi; msiexec /i azd-windows-amd64.msi /qn"

Standalone Binary


Documentation documentation --- title: Azure Developer CLI reference description: This article explains the syntax and parameters for the various Azure Developer CLI commands. author: alexwolfmsft alexwolf 05/31/2024 ms.service: azure-dev-cli ms.topic: conceptual ms.custom: devx-track-azdevcli --- # Azure Developer CLI reference This article explains the syntax and parameters for the various Azure Developer CLI commands. ## azd The Azure Developer CLI (`azd`) is an open-source tool that helps onboard and manage your application on Azure ### Options ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --docs Opens the documentation for azd in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for azd. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth](#azd-auth): Authenticate with Azure. * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [azd deploy](#azd-deploy): Deploy the application's code to Azure. * [azd down](#azd-down): Delete Azure resources for an application. * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [azd hooks](#azd-hooks): Develop, test and run hooks for an application. (Beta) * [azd init](#azd-init): Initialize a new application. * [azd monitor](#azd-monitor): Monitor a deployed application. (Beta) * [azd package](#azd-package): Packages the application's code to be deployed to Azure. (Beta) * [azd pipeline](#azd-pipeline): Manage and configure your deployment pipelines. (Beta) * [azd provision](#azd-provision): Provision the Azure resources for an application. * [azd restore](#azd-restore): Restores the application's dependencies. (Beta) * [azd show](#azd-show): Display information about your app and its resources. * [azd template](#azd-template): Find and view template details. (Beta) * [azd up](#azd-up): Provision Azure resources, and deploy your project with a single command. * [azd version](#azd-version): Print the version number of Azure Developer CLI. ## azd auth Authenticate with Azure. ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd auth in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for auth. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth login](#azd-auth-login): Log in to Azure. * [azd auth logout](#azd-auth-logout): Log out of Azure. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd auth login Log in to Azure. ### Synopsis Log in to Azure. When run without any arguments, log in interactively using a browser. To log in using a device code, pass --use-device-code. To log in as a service principal, pass --client-id and --tenant-id as well as one of: --client-secret, --client-certificate, or --federated-credential-provider. ```azdeveloper azd auth login [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --check-status Checks the log-in status instead of logging in. --client-certificate string The path to the client certificate for the service principal to authenticate with. --client-id string The client id for the service principal to authenticate with. --client-secret string The client secret for the service principal to authenticate with. Set to the empty string to read the value from the console. --docs Opens the documentation for azd auth login in your web browser. --federated-credential-provider string The provider to use to acquire a federated token to authenticate with. -h, --help Gets help for login. --redirect-port int Choose the port to be used as part of the redirect URI during interactive login. --tenant-id string The tenant id or domain name to authenticate with. --use-device-code[=true] When true, log in by using a device code instead of a browser. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth](#azd-auth): Authenticate with Azure. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd auth logout Log out of Azure. ### Synopsis Log out of Azure ```azdeveloper azd auth logout [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd auth logout in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for logout. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth](#azd-auth): Authenticate with Azure. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). ### Synopsis Manage the Azure Developer CLI user configuration, which includes your default Azure subscription and location. Available since `azure-dev-cli_0.4.0-beta.1`. The easiest way to configure `azd` for the first time is to run [`azd init`](#azd-init). The subscription and location you select will be stored in the `config.json` file located in the config directory. To configure `azd` anytime afterwards, you'll use [`azd config set`](#azd-config-set). The default value of the config directory is: * $HOME/.azd on Linux and macOS * %USERPROFILE%\.azd on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for config. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config get](#azd-config-get): Gets a configuration. * [azd config list-alpha](#azd-config-list-alpha): Display the list of available features in alpha stage. * [azd config reset](#azd-config-reset): Resets configuration to default. * [azd config set](#azd-config-set): Sets a configuration. * [azd config show](#azd-config-show): Show all the configuration values. * [azd config unset](#azd-config-unset): Unsets a configuration. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config get Gets a configuration. ### Synopsis Gets a configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config get [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config get in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for get. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config list-alpha Display the list of available features in alpha stage. ```azdeveloper azd config list-alpha [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config list-alpha in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for list-alpha. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config reset Resets configuration to default. ### Synopsis Resets all configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to the default. ```azdeveloper azd config reset [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config reset in your web browser. -f, --force Force reset without confirmation. -h, --help Gets help for reset. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config set Sets a configuration. ### Synopsis Sets a configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config set [flags] ``` ### Examples ```azdeveloper azd config set defaults.subscription azd config set defaults.location eastus ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config set in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for set. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config show Show all the configuration values. ### Synopsis Show all configuration values in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config show [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config show in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for show. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config unset Unsets a configuration. ### Synopsis Removes a configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config unset [flags] ``` ### Examples ```azdeveloper azd config unset defaults.location ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config unset in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for unset. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd deploy Deploy the application's code to Azure. ```azdeveloper azd deploy [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --all Deploys all services that are listed in azure.yaml --docs Opens the documentation for azd deploy in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. --from-package string Deploys the application from an existing package. -h, --help Gets help for deploy. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd down Delete Azure resources for an application. ```azdeveloper azd down [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd down in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. --force Does not require confirmation before it deletes resources. -h, --help Gets help for down. --purge Does not require confirmation before it permanently deletes resources that are soft-deleted by default (for example, key vaults). ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env Manage environments. ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for env. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env get-values](#azd-env-get-values): Get all environment values. * [azd env list](#azd-env-list): List environments. * [azd env new](#azd-env-new): Create a new environment and set it as the default. * [azd env refresh](#azd-env-refresh): Refresh environment settings by using information from a previous infrastructure provision. * [azd env select](#azd-env-select): Set the default environment. * [azd env set](#azd-env-set): Manage your environment settings. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env get-values Get all environment values. ```azdeveloper azd env get-values [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env get-values in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for get-values. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env list List environments. ```azdeveloper azd env list [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env list in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for list. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env new Create a new environment and set it as the default. ```azdeveloper azd env new [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env new in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for new. -l, --location string Azure location for the new environment --subscription string Name or ID of an Azure subscription to use for the new environment ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env refresh Refresh environment settings by using information from a previous infrastructure provision. ```azdeveloper azd env refresh [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env refresh in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for refresh. --hint string Hint to help identify the environment to refresh ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env select Set the default environment. ```azdeveloper azd env select [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env select in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for select. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env set Manage your environment settings. ```azdeveloper azd env set [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env set in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for set. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd hooks Develop, test and run hooks for an application. (Beta) ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd hooks in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for hooks. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd hooks run](#azd-hooks-run): Runs the specified hook for the project and services * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd hooks run Runs the specified hook for the project and services ```azdeveloper azd hooks run [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd hooks run in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for run. --platform string Forces hooks to run for the specified platform. --service string Only runs hooks for the specified service. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd hooks](#azd-hooks): Develop, test and run hooks for an application. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd init Initialize a new application. ```azdeveloper azd init [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper -b, --branch string The template branch to initialize from. Must be used with a template argument (--template or -t). --docs Opens the documentation for azd init in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -f, --filter strings The tag(s) used to filter template results. Supports comma-separated values. --from-code Initializes a new application from your existing code. -h, --help Gets help for init. -l, --location string Azure location for the new environment -s, --subscription string Name or ID of an Azure subscription to use for the new environment -t, --template string Initializes a new application from a template. You can use Full URI, /, or if it's part of the azure-samples organization. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd monitor Monitor a deployed application. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd monitor [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd monitor in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for monitor. --live Open a browser to Application Insights Live Metrics. Live Metrics is currently not supported for Python apps. --logs Open a browser to Application Insights Logs. --overview Open a browser to Application Insights Overview Dashboard. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd package Packages the application's code to be deployed to Azure. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd package [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --all Packages all services that are listed in azure.yaml --docs Opens the documentation for azd package in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for package. --output-path string File or folder path where the generated packages will be saved. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd pipeline Manage and configure your deployment pipelines. (Beta) ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd pipeline in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for pipeline. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd pipeline config](#azd-pipeline-config): Configure your deployment pipeline to connect securely to Azure. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd pipeline config Configure your deployment pipeline to connect securely to Azure. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd pipeline config [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --auth-type string The authentication type used between the pipeline provider and Azure for deployment (Only valid for GitHub provider). Valid values: federated, client-credentials. --docs Opens the documentation for azd pipeline config in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for config. --principal-id string The client id of the service principal to use to grant access to Azure resources as part of the pipeline. --principal-name string The name of the service principal to use to grant access to Azure resources as part of the pipeline. --principal-role stringArray The roles to assign to the service principal. By default the service principal will be granted the Contributor and User Access Administrator roles. (default [Contributor,User Access Administrator]) --provider string The pipeline provider to use (github for Github Actions and azdo for Azure Pipelines). --remote-name string The name of the git remote to configure the pipeline to run on. (default "origin") ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd pipeline](#azd-pipeline): Manage and configure your deployment pipelines. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd provision Provision the Azure resources for an application. ```azdeveloper azd provision [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd provision in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for provision. --no-state Do not use latest Deployment State (bicep only). --preview Preview changes to Azure resources. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd restore Restores the application's dependencies. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd restore [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --all Restores all services that are listed in azure.yaml --docs Opens the documentation for azd restore in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for restore. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd show Display information about your app and its resources. ```azdeveloper azd show [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd show in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for show. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd template Find and view template details. (Beta) ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd template in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for template. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd template list](#azd-template-list): Show list of sample azd templates. (Beta) * [azd template show](#azd-template-show): Show details for a given template. (Beta) * [azd template source](#azd-template-source): View and manage template sources. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd template list Show list of sample azd templates. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd template list [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd template list in your web browser. -f, --filter strings The tag(s) used to filter template results. Supports comma-separated values. -h, --help Gets help for list. -s, --source string Filters templates by source. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd template](#azd-template): Find and view template details. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd template show Show details for a given template. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd template show