Azure / azure-dev

A developer CLI that reduces the time it takes for you to get started on Azure. The Azure Developer CLI (azd) provides a set of developer-friendly commands that map to key stages in your workflow - code, build, deploy, monitor, repeat.
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[Issue] Update template readmes to use Azure Developer CLI not Azure CLI #3853

Open jongio opened 1 week ago

jongio commented 1 week ago

See this section:

It states Azure CLI, not Azure Developer CLI.

Please update to Azure Developer CLI for all azure-dev templates.

This template creates a [managed identity]( for your app inside your Azure Active Directory tenant, and it is used to authenticate your app with Azure and other services that support Azure AD authentication like Key Vault via access policies. You will see principalId referenced in the infrastructure as code files, that refers to the id of the currently logged in Azure CLI user, which will be granted access policies and permissions to run the application locally. To view your managed identity in the Azure Portal, follow these [steps](