Azure / azure-dev

A developer CLI that reduces the time it takes for you to get started on Azure. The Azure Developer CLI (azd) provides a set of developer-friendly commands that map to key stages in your workflow - code, build, deploy, monitor, repeat.
MIT License
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AKS Todo Templates Updates #3908

Closed wbreza closed 1 month ago

wbreza commented 1 month ago

Resolves #3852

wbreza commented 1 month ago

Any updates needed for the readme on the dependencies?


azure-sdk commented 1 month ago

Repoman Generation Results

Repoman pushed changes to remotes for the following projects:

Project: azd-starter-bicep

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/azd-starter-bicep -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-csharp-cosmos-sql

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-csharp-cosmos-sql -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-csharp-sql-swa-func

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-csharp-sql-swa-func -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-csharp-sql

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-csharp-sql -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-java-mongo-aca

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-java-mongo-aca -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-java-mongo

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-java-mongo -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-java-postgresql-terraform

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-java-postgresql-terraform -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-aca

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-aca -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-aks

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-aks -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-swa-func

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-swa-func -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-nodejs-mongo-terraform

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-nodejs-mongo-terraform -b pr/3908

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Project: todo-python-mongo-aca

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-aca -b pr/3908

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-python-mongo-swa-func

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-swa-func -b pr/3908

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-python-mongo

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo -b pr/3908

View Changes | Compare Changes

Project: todo-python-mongo-terraform

Remote: azure-samples-staging

Branch: pr/3908

You can initialize this project with:

azd init -t Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-terraform -b pr/3908

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azure-sdk commented 1 month ago

Azure Dev CLI Install Instructions

Install scripts


May elevate using sudo on some platforms and configurations


curl -fsSL | bash;
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- --base-url --version '' --verbose --skip-verify


Invoke-RestMethod '' -OutFile uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1
Invoke-RestMethod '' -OutFile install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose


PowerShell install

powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '' > uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1;"
powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '' > install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose;"

MSI install

powershell -c "irm '' -OutFile azd-windows-amd64.msi; msiexec /i azd-windows-amd64.msi /qn"

Standalone Binary


Documentation documentation --- title: Azure Developer CLI reference description: This article explains the syntax and parameters for the various Azure Developer CLI commands. author: alexwolfmsft alexwolf 05/17/2024 ms.service: azure-dev-cli ms.topic: conceptual ms.custom: devx-track-azdevcli --- # Azure Developer CLI reference This article explains the syntax and parameters for the various Azure Developer CLI commands. ## azd The Azure Developer CLI (`azd`) is an open-source tool that helps onboard and manage your application on Azure ### Options ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --docs Opens the documentation for azd in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for azd. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth](#azd-auth): Authenticate with Azure. * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [azd deploy](#azd-deploy): Deploy the application's code to Azure. * [azd down](#azd-down): Delete Azure resources for an application. * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [azd hooks](#azd-hooks): Develop, test and run hooks for an application. (Beta) * [azd init](#azd-init): Initialize a new application. * [azd monitor](#azd-monitor): Monitor a deployed application. (Beta) * [azd package](#azd-package): Packages the application's code to be deployed to Azure. (Beta) * [azd pipeline](#azd-pipeline): Manage and configure your deployment pipelines. (Beta) * [azd provision](#azd-provision): Provision the Azure resources for an application. * [azd restore](#azd-restore): Restores the application's dependencies. (Beta) * [azd show](#azd-show): Display information about your app and its resources. * [azd template](#azd-template): Find and view template details. (Beta) * [azd up](#azd-up): Provision Azure resources, and deploy your project with a single command. * [azd version](#azd-version): Print the version number of Azure Developer CLI. ## azd auth Authenticate with Azure. ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd auth in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for auth. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth login](#azd-auth-login): Log in to Azure. * [azd auth logout](#azd-auth-logout): Log out of Azure. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd auth login Log in to Azure. ### Synopsis Log in to Azure. When run without any arguments, log in interactively using a browser. To log in using a device code, pass --use-device-code. To log in as a service principal, pass --client-id and --tenant-id as well as one of: --client-secret, --client-certificate, or --federated-credential-provider. ```azdeveloper azd auth login [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --check-status Checks the log-in status instead of logging in. --client-certificate string The path to the client certificate for the service principal to authenticate with. --client-id string The client id for the service principal to authenticate with. --client-secret string The client secret for the service principal to authenticate with. Set to the empty string to read the value from the console. --docs Opens the documentation for azd auth login in your web browser. --federated-credential-provider string The provider to use to acquire a federated token to authenticate with. -h, --help Gets help for login. --redirect-port int Choose the port to be used as part of the redirect URI during interactive login. --tenant-id string The tenant id or domain name to authenticate with. --use-device-code[=true] When true, log in by using a device code instead of a browser. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth](#azd-auth): Authenticate with Azure. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd auth logout Log out of Azure. ### Synopsis Log out of Azure ```azdeveloper azd auth logout [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd auth logout in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for logout. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd auth](#azd-auth): Authenticate with Azure. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). ### Synopsis Manage the Azure Developer CLI user configuration, which includes your default Azure subscription and location. Available since `azure-dev-cli_0.4.0-beta.1`. The easiest way to configure `azd` for the first time is to run [`azd init`](#azd-init). The subscription and location you select will be stored in the `config.json` file located in the config directory. To configure `azd` anytime afterwards, you'll use [`azd config set`](#azd-config-set). The default value of the config directory is: * $HOME/.azd on Linux and macOS * %USERPROFILE%\.azd on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for config. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config get](#azd-config-get): Gets a configuration. * [azd config list-alpha](#azd-config-list-alpha): Display the list of available features in alpha stage. * [azd config reset](#azd-config-reset): Resets configuration to default. * [azd config set](#azd-config-set): Sets a configuration. * [azd config show](#azd-config-show): Show all the configuration values. * [azd config unset](#azd-config-unset): Unsets a configuration. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config get Gets a configuration. ### Synopsis Gets a configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config get [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config get in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for get. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config list-alpha Display the list of available features in alpha stage. ```azdeveloper azd config list-alpha [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config list-alpha in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for list-alpha. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config reset Resets configuration to default. ### Synopsis Resets all configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to the default. ```azdeveloper azd config reset [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config reset in your web browser. -f, --force Force reset without confirmation. -h, --help Gets help for reset. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config set Sets a configuration. ### Synopsis Sets a configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config set [flags] ``` ### Examples ```azdeveloper azd config set defaults.subscription azd config set defaults.location eastus ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config set in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for set. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config show Show all the configuration values. ### Synopsis Show all configuration values in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config show [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config show in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for show. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd config unset Unsets a configuration. ### Synopsis Removes a configuration in the configuration path. The default value of the config directory is: * `$HOME/.azd` on Linux and macOS * `%USERPROFILE%\.azd` on Windows The configuration directory can be overridden by specifying a path in the AZD_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. ```azdeveloper azd config unset [flags] ``` ### Examples ```azdeveloper azd config unset defaults.location ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd config unset in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for unset. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd config](#azd-config): Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location). * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd deploy Deploy the application's code to Azure. ```azdeveloper azd deploy [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --all Deploys all services that are listed in azure.yaml --docs Opens the documentation for azd deploy in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. --from-package string Deploys the application from an existing package. -h, --help Gets help for deploy. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd down Delete Azure resources for an application. ```azdeveloper azd down [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd down in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. --force Does not require confirmation before it deletes resources. -h, --help Gets help for down. --purge Does not require confirmation before it permanently deletes resources that are soft-deleted by default (for example, key vaults). ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env Manage environments. ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for env. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env get-values](#azd-env-get-values): Get all environment values. * [azd env list](#azd-env-list): List environments. * [azd env new](#azd-env-new): Create a new environment and set it as the default. * [azd env refresh](#azd-env-refresh): Refresh environment settings by using information from a previous infrastructure provision. * [azd env select](#azd-env-select): Set the default environment. * [azd env set](#azd-env-set): Manage your environment settings. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env get-values Get all environment values. ```azdeveloper azd env get-values [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env get-values in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for get-values. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env list List environments. ```azdeveloper azd env list [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env list in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for list. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env new Create a new environment and set it as the default. ```azdeveloper azd env new [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env new in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for new. -l, --location string Azure location for the new environment --subscription string Name or ID of an Azure subscription to use for the new environment ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env refresh Refresh environment settings by using information from a previous infrastructure provision. ```azdeveloper azd env refresh [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env refresh in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for refresh. --hint string Hint to help identify the environment to refresh ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env select Set the default environment. ```azdeveloper azd env select [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env select in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for select. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd env set Manage your environment settings. ```azdeveloper azd env set [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd env set in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for set. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd env](#azd-env): Manage environments. * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd hooks Develop, test and run hooks for an application. (Beta) ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd hooks in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for hooks. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd hooks run](#azd-hooks-run): Runs the specified hook for the project and services * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd hooks run Runs the specified hook for the project and services ```azdeveloper azd hooks run [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd hooks run in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for run. --platform string Forces hooks to run for the specified platform. --service string Only runs hooks for the specified service. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd hooks](#azd-hooks): Develop, test and run hooks for an application. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd init Initialize a new application. ```azdeveloper azd init [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper -b, --branch string The template branch to initialize from. Must be used with a template argument (--template or -t). --docs Opens the documentation for azd init in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -f, --filter strings The tag(s) used to filter template results. Supports comma-separated values. --from-code Initializes a new application from your existing code. -h, --help Gets help for init. -l, --location string Azure location for the new environment -s, --subscription string Name or ID of an Azure subscription to use for the new environment -t, --template string Initializes a new application from a template. You can use Full URI, /, or if it's part of the azure-samples organization. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd monitor Monitor a deployed application. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd monitor [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd monitor in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for monitor. --live Open a browser to Application Insights Live Metrics. Live Metrics is currently not supported for Python apps. --logs Open a browser to Application Insights Logs. --overview Open a browser to Application Insights Overview Dashboard. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd package Packages the application's code to be deployed to Azure. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd package [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --all Packages all services that are listed in azure.yaml --docs Opens the documentation for azd package in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for package. --output-path string File or folder path where the generated packages will be saved. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd pipeline Manage and configure your deployment pipelines. (Beta) ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd pipeline in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for pipeline. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd pipeline config](#azd-pipeline-config): Configure your deployment pipeline to connect securely to Azure. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd pipeline config Configure your deployment pipeline to connect securely to Azure. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd pipeline config [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --auth-type string The authentication type used between the pipeline provider and Azure for deployment (Only valid for GitHub provider). Valid values: federated, client-credentials. --docs Opens the documentation for azd pipeline config in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for config. --principal-id string The client id of the service principal to use to grant access to Azure resources as part of the pipeline. --principal-name string The name of the service principal to use to grant access to Azure resources as part of the pipeline. --principal-role stringArray The roles to assign to the service principal. By default the service principal will be granted the Contributor and User Access Administrator roles. (default [Contributor,User Access Administrator]) --provider string The pipeline provider to use (github for Github Actions and azdo for Azure Pipelines). --remote-name string The name of the git remote to configure the pipeline to run on. (default "origin") ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd pipeline](#azd-pipeline): Manage and configure your deployment pipelines. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd provision Provision the Azure resources for an application. ```azdeveloper azd provision [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd provision in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for provision. --no-state Do not use latest Deployment State (bicep only). --preview Preview changes to Azure resources. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd restore Restores the application's dependencies. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd restore [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --all Restores all services that are listed in azure.yaml --docs Opens the documentation for azd restore in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for restore. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd show Display information about your app and its resources. ```azdeveloper azd show [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd show in your web browser. -e, --environment string The name of the environment to use. -h, --help Gets help for show. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd template Find and view template details. (Beta) ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd template in your web browser. -h, --help Gets help for template. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd template list](#azd-template-list): Show list of sample azd templates. (Beta) * [azd template show](#azd-template-show): Show details for a given template. (Beta) * [azd template source](#azd-template-source): View and manage template sources. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd template list Show list of sample azd templates. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd template list [flags] ``` ### Options ```azdeveloper --docs Opens the documentation for azd template list in your web browser. -f, --filter strings The tag(s) used to filter template results. Supports comma-separated values. -h, --help Gets help for list. -s, --source string Filters templates by source. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ```azdeveloper -C, --cwd string Sets the current working directory. --debug Enables debugging and diagnostics logging. --no-prompt Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default. ``` ### See also * [azd template](#azd-template): Find and view template details. (Beta) * [Back to top](#azd) ## azd template show Show details for a given template. (Beta) ```azdeveloper azd template show