Azure / azure-dev

A developer CLI that reduces the time it takes for you to get started on Azure. The Azure Developer CLI (azd) provides a set of developer-friendly commands that map to key stages in your workflow - code, build, deploy, monitor, repeat.
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[Issue] azd up stuck on aspire dashboard #4221

Closed hjblourenco closed 1 month ago

hjblourenco commented 1 month ago

While I'm on azd up azure stuck here. image

I'm using Visual Studio command line.

All the other resources seems to start: image

What can I do?

debug from command line: The debug message (repeats on loop): 2024/08/16 14:08:12 main.go:50: Retry: response 200 2024/08/16 14:08:12 main.go:50: Retry: exit due to non-retriable status code 2024/08/16 14:08:12 main.go:50: LongRunningOperation: State Running 2024/08/16 14:08:12 main.go:50: LongRunningOperation: delay for 30s 2024/08/16 14:08:12 main.go:50: Retry: =====> Try=1 2024/08/16 14:08:12 main.go:50: Request: ==> OUTGOING REQUEST (Try=1) GET Accept: application/json Authorization: REDACTED User-Agent: azsdk-go-armresources.DeploymentOperationsClient/v1.1.1 (go1.21.0 X:loopvar; Windows_NT),azdev/1.9.6 (Go go1.21.0 X:loopvar; windows/amd64) X-Ms-Correlation-Request-Id: cd0ba9875117a7e0907489e3f7e3f9c6

| ======| Creating/Updating resources2024/08/16 14:08:13 main.go:50: Response: ==> REQUEST/RESPONSE (Try=1/437.964ms, OpTime=437.964ms) -- RESPONSE RECEIVED GET Accept: application/json Authorization: REDACTED User-Agent: azsdk-go-armresources.DeploymentOperationsClient/v1.1.1 (go1.21.0 X:loopvar; Windows_NT),azdev/1.9.6 (Go go1.21.0 X:loopvar; windows/amd64) X-Ms-Correlation-Request-Id: cd0ba9875117a7e0907489e3f7e3f9c6

RESPONSE Status: 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 1236 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:08:12 GMT Expires: -1 Pragma: no-cache Strict-Transport-Security: REDACTED X-Cache: REDACTED X-Content-Type-Options: REDACTED X-Ms-Correlation-Request-Id: cd0ba9875117a7e0907489e3f7e3f9c6 X-Ms-Ratelimit-Remaining-Subscription-Global-Reads: REDACTED X-Ms-Ratelimit-Remaining-Subscription-Reads: REDACTED X-Ms-Request-Id: ebc1f983-6301-4873-9022-24a234f3b68a X-Ms-Routing-Request-Id: REDACTED X-Msedge-Ref: REDACTED

2024/08/16 14:08:13 main.go:50: Retry: response 200 2024/08/16 14:08:13 main.go:50: Retry: exit due to non-retriable status code 2024/08/16 14:08:13 main.go:50: Retry: =====> Try=1 2024/08/16 14:08:13 main.go:50: Request: ==> OUTGOING REQUEST (Try=1) GET Accept: application/json Authorization: REDACTED User-Agent: azsdk-go-armresources.DeploymentOperationsClient/v1.1.1 (go1.21.0 X:loopvar; Windows_NT),azdev/1.9.6 (Go go1.21.0 X:loopvar; windows/amd64) X-Ms-Correlation-Request-Id: cd0ba9875117a7e0907489e3f7e3f9c6

| ==| Creating/Updating resources2024/08/16 14:08:14 main.go:50: Response: ==> REQUEST/RESPONSE (Try=1/759.3783ms, OpTime=759.3783ms) -- RESPONSE RECEIVED GET Accept: application/json Authorization: REDACTED User-Agent: azsdk-go-armresources.DeploymentOperationsClient/v1.1.1 (go1.21.0 X:loopvar; Windows_NT),azdev/1.9.6 (Go go1.21.0 X:loopvar; windows/amd64) X-Ms-Correlation-Request-Id: cd0ba9875117a7e0907489e3f7e3f9c6

RESPONSE Status: 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 11551 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:08:13 GMT Expires: -1 Pragma: no-cache Strict-Transport-Security: REDACTED X-Cache: REDACTED X-Content-Type-Options: REDACTED X-Ms-Correlation-Request-Id: cd0ba9875117a7e0907489e3f7e3f9c6 X-Ms-Ratelimit-Remaining-Subscription-Global-Reads: REDACTED X-Ms-Ratelimit-Remaining-Subscription-Reads: REDACTED X-Ms-Request-Id: eb299070-064a-4984-b5ff-850bfe62b1e7 X-Ms-Routing-Request-Id: REDACTED X-Msedge-Ref: REDACTED

2024/08/16 14:08:14 main.go:50: Retry: response 200 2024/08/16 14:08:14 main.go:50: Retry: exit due to non-retriable status code


snehapar9 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this @hjblourenco! This could be a transient issue. Are you still encountering this? Can you please confirm if you can access the Aspire dashboard now?

rajeshkamal5050 commented 1 month ago

@vhvb1989 can you take a look?

lucamilan commented 1 month ago

I'm encountering the same issue while using the azd CLI in a GitHub workflow that runs nightly. This problem has only started occurring in the last 2 days; prior to that, the workflow ran without issues.

ERROR: deployment failed: error deploying infrastructure: deploying to subscription:

Deployment Error Details:
DotNetComponentOperationError: Failed to provision component 'aspire-dashboard'. Error details: DotNetComponent 'aspire-dashboard deletion timeout.'.

TraceID: 000000000000000000000000000000

This appears to be related to a timeout during the deletion of the 'aspire-dashboard' component.


hjblourenco commented 1 month ago

Testing again today and the same issue.

After a long time:

ERROR: error executing step command 'provision': deployment failed: error deploying infrastructure: deploying to subscription:

Deployment Error Details:
DotNetComponentOperationError: Failed to provision component 'aspire-dashboard'. Error details: DotNetComponent 'aspire-dashboard deletion timeout.'.

hjblourenco commented 1 month ago

Now I'm getting this error: (How do I manage to fix the possible error if I cant find the place)

2024/08/19 14:30:52 main.go:50: Retry: response 200
2024/08/19 14:30:52 main.go:50: Retry: exit due to non-retriable status code
  |==     | Deploying service xinio-api-management (Pushing container image)2024/08/19 14:31:07 command_runner.go:307: Run exec: 'dotnet publish C:\Users\ \source\repos\ \ \.csproj -r linux-x64 -c Release /t:PublishContainer -p:ContainerRepository=.apphost/ -tests4 -p:ContainerImageTag=azd-deploy-1724077852 -p:ContainerRegistry=<redacted> --getProperty:GeneratedContainerConfiguration' , exit code: 1
Additional env:
MSBUILD : error MSB4166: Child node "4" exited prematurely. Shutting down. Diagnostic information may be found in files in "C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\Temp\MSBuildTemp\" and will be named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. This location can be changed by setting the MSBUILDDEBUGPATH environment variable to a different directory.
MSBUILD : error MSB4166: C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\Temp\MSBuildTemp\MSBuild_pid-16668_21c9ebe9eb16475e9a85c09e4bbe7ef7.failure.txt:
MSBUILD : error MSB4166: ====================<redacted>
MSBUILD : error MSB4166: 19/08/2024 14:31:07
MSBUILD : error MSB4166: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'value')
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:    at System.ArgumentNullException.Throw(String paramName)
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:    at System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(String value)
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:    at Microsoft.Build.Framework.TelemetryEventArgs.WriteToStream(BinaryWriter writer)
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:    at Microsoft.Build.Shared.LogMessagePacketBase.WriteToStream(ITranslator translator)
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:    at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.NodeEndpointOutOfProcBase.RunReadLoop(Stream localReadPipe, Stream localWritePipe, ConcurrentQueue`1 localPacketQueue, AutoResetEvent localPacketAvailable, AutoResetEvent localTerminatePacketPump)
MSBUILD : error MSB4166: ==================<redacted>
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:
MSBUILD : error MSB4166:
Build failed. Properties, Items, and Target results cannot be obtained. See details in stderr above.
  (x) Failed: Deploying service
snehapar9 commented 1 month ago

@hjblourenco thanks for the update! The provisioning status for dotnet component was not being updated properly. We have rolled a fix out. It will be deployed to all regions by EOW.

rajeshkamal5050 commented 1 month ago

Fix has been rolled out -