Azure / azure-devops-cli-extension

Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI
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[Feature Request] Ability to create, list, update and delete pipeline environments #477

Open atbagga opened 5 years ago

atbagga commented 5 years ago
Command Description
az pipelines environment create Create an environment
az pipelines environment list Show all environments in a project
az pipelines environment show Show details of an environment
az pipelines environment delete Delete an environment
az pipelines environment resource add Add a resource to an environment
az pipelines environment resource list List all the resources in an environment
az pipelines environment resource delete Delete a resource in an environment
mstancombe commented 5 years ago

Any ETA for this? It would be very useful for us to be able to read environment metadata (even if it was just in the form of hashtags in the description) and use that to influence the terraforming that's happening in our branch yaml pipeline.

atbagga commented 5 years ago

Environments concept is still undergoing changes due to which they haven't made the APIs public yet. Until the APIs for environments are released we cannot support these commands or comment on an ETA for it.

BoSoeborgPetersen commented 4 years ago

Can't you release an preview just like with AKS preview features that were associated by an Azure-Cli preview?

atbagga commented 4 years ago

@BoSoeborgPetersen Preview features still require the API to be exposed publically even if it is released in preview mode. So we will have to wait for the API release before we can introduce these commands.

If you still need to automate something related.. you can checkout the API being called from the UI and use CLI az devops invoke command to send the same request from CLI.

BoSoeborgPetersen commented 4 years ago

@atbagga Okay, fair enough, thanks for the info.

I am not using Azure DevOps Server, so how would you suggest that I "checkout the API being called from the UI"?

atbagga commented 4 years ago

@BoSoeborgPetersen Networks tab in the browser developer tools windows. e.g. here is a screenshot from chrome..


BoSoeborgPetersen commented 4 years ago

@atbagga Thank you very much.

I figured out that to perform CRUD operations on environments using 'az devops invoke' either: az devops invoke --area distributedtask --resource environments --route-parameters project=<project> [enviromentId=<id>] --http-method <CRUD> --api-version 6.0-preview -o json --in-file <config_file_path>.json or: az devops invoke --area environments --resource environments --route-parameters project=<project> [enviromentId=<id>] --http-method <CRUD> --api-version 6.0-preview -o json --in-file <config_file_path>.json can be used, as specified by the templates returned from 'az devops invoke':

    "area": "distributedtask",
    "id": "8572b1fc-2482-47fa-8f74-7e3ed53ee54b",
    "maxVersion": 6.0,
    "minVersion": 5.0,
    "releasedVersion": "0.0",
    "resourceName": "environments",
    "resourceVersion": 1,
    "routeTemplate": "{project}/_apis/{area}/{resource}/{environmentId}"


    "area": "environments",
    "id": "d86b72de-d240-4d6f-8d06-08c2d66b015d",
    "maxVersion": 6.0,
    "minVersion": 5.2,
    "releasedVersion": "0.0",
    "resourceName": "environments",
    "resourceVersion": 1,
    "routeTemplate": "{project}/_apis/pipelines/{resource}/{environmentId}"

Also to add Kubernetes resources to environments using 'az devops invoke' either: az devops invoke --area distributedtask--resource kubernetes --route-parameters project=<project> environmentId=<environment_id> [resourceId=<id>] --http-method POST --api-version 6.0-preview --in-file <config_file_path> -o json or: az devops invoke --area environments --resource kubernetes --route-parameters project=<project> environmentId=<environment_id> [resourceId=<id>] --http-method POST --api-version 6.0-preview --in-file <config_file_path> -o json can be used, as specified by the templates returned from 'az devops invoke':

    "area": "distributedtask",
    "id": "73fba52f-15ab-42b3-a538-ce67a9223a04",
    "maxVersion": 6.0,
    "minVersion": 5.0,
    "releasedVersion": "0.0",
    "resourceName": "kubernetes",
    "resourceVersion": 1,
    "routeTemplate": "{project}/_apis/{area}/environments/{environmentId}/providers/{resource}/{resourceId}"


    "area": "environments",
    "id": "73fba52f-33ab-42b3-a538-ce67a9223b15",
    "maxVersion": 6.0,
    "minVersion": 5.2,
    "releasedVersion": "0.0",
    "resourceName": "kubernetes",
    "resourceVersion": 2,
    "routeTemplate": "{project}/_apis/pipelines/environments/{environmentId}/providers/{resource}/{resourceId}"

I can also delete Kubernetes resources using --http-method DELETE, with resourceId=<id>.

The only problem now is that I cannot figure out how to get a list of resources for an environment, so that I can use the ID's of the resources to delete and replace them with new ones?

I tried: az devops invoke --area environments --resource kubernetes --route-parameters project=<project> environmentId=<environment_id> --http-method GET --api-version 6.0-preview -o json but it is not supported without an resource ID: request failed: The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'.

I cannot find any relevant templates that seem to cover this either with 'DistributedTask' or 'Environment', as the area.

Also: az devops invoke --area environments --resource environments --route-parameters project=<project> --http-method GET --api-version 6.0-preview does not return the resources associated with the environment?

jabenedicic commented 4 years ago

Would be useful if this could also include the ability to manipulate and list tags associated with pipeline environments as well.

I am currently using a number of VMs in an environment and use tags to target specific deployments to the correct machines (think 3 tier app sort of arrangement), I would like to be able to get a list of VMs that match a certain tag so that I can then use the Agent Name as a variable for other pipelines.

ericvruder commented 3 years ago

I would truly appreciate this as well.

bensgroi commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? This feature would be really helpful. Surely the environment API is set by now.

viazovskyi commented 3 years ago

i'm able to get the list of kubernetes resources with curl, same should work with az rest i guess:

curl -u:<PAT> "https://<ORGANIZATION>/<PROJECT>/_apis/distributedtask/environments/<ENVIRONMENT_ID>?expands=resourceReferences&api-version=6.0-preview.1"

CoolZeroNL commented 2 years ago

Any ETA for this? specifically the add/delete VMresources to a environments.

aolszowka commented 2 years ago

Related @tl24. Until then our best bet is to utilize the REST API As mentioned above with the documentation starting here:

A bit of a bummer because of the need to manage the PAT ourselves instead of allowing the Azure CLI to handle it...

aolszowka commented 2 years ago

Apologizes for double posting; but I have been digging on this more, our need was to understand who had access to Approve in the checks, this led me to this StackOverflow Post:

The original comments seemed to indicate that this was not possible, however after a bit more digging I found @JtMotoX 's Repository which gave a semi decent work around. I have reproduced the contents of that StackOverflow Post here:

This is an older question but we had a similar need. There does not appear to be a direct API To query this, but this GitHub Project pointed us in the right direction:

# GET ENVIRONMENT CHECKS (stored under['ms.vss-pipelinechecks.checks-data-provider'].checkConfigurationDataList)

As mentioned above under['ms.vss-pipelinechecks.checks-data-provider'].checkConfigurationDataList the list of who is authorized is provided.

The officially documented APIs can tell you that there are checks in place; for example:


Can tell you that you have checks enabled (including an Approval check) but this isn't super useful as it does not give a list of who can Approve.

Note that you can get the list of environments (to get their resource ID) using this documented API:
