Azure / azure-diagnostics-tools

Plugins and tools for collecting, processing, managing, and visualizing diagnostics data and configuration
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Add unit tests to various Logstash plugins #133

Closed andrewvc closed 6 years ago

andrewvc commented 6 years ago

The various Logstash plugins are all missing unit tests.

Some good examples of Logstash unit tests are here

You can also find general rspec guidelines at betterspecs.

Tests should be runnable with bundle exec rspec spec.

The tests should also be runnable under Travis CI.

jakelandis commented 6 years ago

logstash-input-azureeventhub has been superseded by logstash-input-azure_event_hubs

Note the options have changed and may be viewed here until they are properly added to the standard documentation.

To install the new plugin:

bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-azure_event_hubs

If issues are found with the new plugin please submit issues to :

brahmnes commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jakelandis !