Azure / azure-diagnostics-tools

Plugins and tools for collecting, processing, managing, and visualizing diagnostics data and configuration
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web-application-gateway-firewall logs gives jsonparseerror #207

Open kp2822 opened 4 years ago

kp2822 commented 4 years ago

web-application-gateway-Access and web-application-gateway-Performance logs works without issues. But, web-application-gateway-firewall logs gives jsonparseerror

i use the following sanitized input and filter plugin configuration.

azureblob { storage_account_name => "account-name" storage_access_key => "**" container => "container-name" file_head_bytes => 0 file_tail_bytes => 0 } }

filter { json { source => "message" } date { match => ["time", "ISO8601"] } }