Azure / azure-event-hubs-for-kafka

Azure Event Hubs for Apache Kafka Ecosystems
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Connect to Event Hubs for Kafka with a SAS Token? #38

Open archetec opened 5 years ago

archetec commented 5 years ago


Our security team wants us to use SAS tokens with a TTL to connect to event hubs. At the moment we use Confluent's .Net Kafka client library to connect to Event Hubs (we want to retain compatibility with Kafka). So we tried to connect to Event Hubs for Kafka with a SAS token but it doesn't work. Is this supported through the Kafka API?

It works with the MS Event Hubs client (i.e. without Kafka)...

Confluent Kafka 0.11.6 .Net 4.6.1 Windows 7

How to reproduce

We connect a Producer to Event Hubs for Kafka as we usually do, but using a connection string like this :


        var config = new Dictionary<string, object> {
            { "bootstrap.servers", brokerList },
            { "security.protocol", "SASL_SSL" },
            { "sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN" },
            { "sasl.username", "$ConnectionString" },
            { "sasl.password", connectionString },
            { "", caCertLocation },
            { "debug", "broker" }

The access token was obtain from TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider().

When ran, the Producer will connect partially to the broker, but fails while sending messages.

The log shows this error :

7|2019-02-15 15:06:24.075|rdkafka#producer-1|BROKERFAIL| [thrd:sasl_ssl://]: sasl_ssl:// failed: err: Local: Broker handle destroyed: (errno: Invalid argument)

Has it worked previously?



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archetec commented 5 years ago

Can I get an official answer from the team on this please? Thank you.

iutipikin commented 5 years ago

@archetec Hello! My team also experienced same error when we tried to connect to EventHub using Spring Kafka client version 2.2.4. Thru logs it is looks like client cannot obtain metadata from message bus and instead get unexpected EOF with disconnect. Native EventHub client works, but it contain a lot of hardcoded stuff and force us to use Blob Storage for handling bus state, and that's we want to avoid.

ShubhaVijayasarathy commented 5 years ago

Adding to our user voice list.

gholliday commented 2 years ago

This is not supported when using the Event Hubs for Kafka endpoint.

The FAQ has been updated to reflect this:

Does Azure Event Hubs for Apache Kafka support shared access signature token authentication?

Authenticating by using OAuth 2.0 and shared access signature is supported.

Shared access signature tokens are generated by using an authorization rule and one of its signing keys. This is not supported when using the Event Hubs for Apache Kafka endpoint.

nestorvw commented 1 year ago

Is there any intention to support it?