Azure / azure-functions-cosmosdb-extension

Extensions to support CosmosDB functionality on Azure Functions
MIT License
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We are bothered by the fact that Cosmos DB lease lost exception is an ERROR in our logs #17

Open ericleigh007 opened 1 month ago

ericleigh007 commented 1 month ago

I don't believe that, if this error is handled/expected, that it should show up in my logs as an error. At worst, this should be a warning, if it is sort of unexpected, but has no follow-on impact.

What appears to be happening here is that the lease owners are using OC in order to de-duplicate their efforts and access to the lease container, but that a 412 might be

Response status code does not indicate success: PreconditionFailed (412); Substatus: 0; ActivityId: ; Reason: (24 lease token was taken over by owner '6ecdb655-ca51-43e3-b367-30fbb47c63e1');

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