Azure / azure-functions-durable-extension

Durable Task Framework extension for Azure Functions
MIT License
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Durable Entities - State cleared / lost by framework #2744

Open kweebtronic opened 4 months ago

kweebtronic commented 4 months ago


My dotnet-isolated durable entities are randomly losing state - the entity state class being reset to the default constructor values.

Background I use durable entities within my application, to independently track high-level and detailed summary state of a suite of durable functions. These have been reliable since durable entities was first introduced.

I have now attempted the major upgrade to dotnet-8 and isolated functions, after waiting for durable entities to reach parity.

I use a class-based entity that implements TaskEntity<TState>, as this was the closest approximation to the previously-recommended pattern for strongly-typed proxies, not currently implemented under dotnet-isolated

Expected behavior

Durable entity retains its state until deleted

Actual behavior

State is reset back to the 'Initialiser' / class default constructor (retains EntityID)

Relevant source code snippets

Repro repo - Failure state occurs most times when run on local machine

Known workarounds

Can not recover from a cleared entity. This is a critical failure

App Details



If deployed to Azure

Can be replicated independently of Azure, this appears to be a logic bug.

jacekkulis commented 3 months ago

Any updates or input from MS team? I belive there are more ppl affected after migration to .net8 and isolated worker...

cgillum commented 3 months ago

@sebastianburckhardt is this something you're aware of?

ZTonks commented 2 months ago

Can confirm to have seen the same issue - entities will seemingly very nondeterministically lose state and reset to C# default. Fairly critical

kweebtronic commented 1 month ago

Looks like a fix has been merged to main for DurableTask.Core Assuming it just needs time now to be rippled out to the inheriting worker extensions

stevenheinen commented 1 month ago

We have this same issue as well after migrating to isolated worker. We've tried the new DurableTask.Core release (2.17.0) with the supposed fix, but that did not fix it

wahyuen commented 1 month ago

for others tracking this issue, the latest 'fix' has caused larger regressions. MS Support have indicated this feedback has been put back to the product group and are looking for a fix next release. I would highly avoid this version as we had a complete failure (hangs, does not process at all with critical internal failure) of Durable Entities in this version.

nytian commented 1 month ago

Hi, @kweebtronic . Sorry for the trouble and inconvenience. The issue is caused by the inappropriate error handling. And I created a custom ADO feed to help mitigate the issue right now.

If you are interested, the ADO feed is here. To use this, you need to first connect with feed, detailed instructions can be found here : first adding package source durabletask-test in your project's nuget.config, and then run command dotnet restore. After successfully connected, you can use the feed directly in your project. Please let me know if you have any question regarding this. Thank you!

And official release might take several days, but we will make the fix as official release as soon as possible and keep you updated.

nytian commented 1 month ago

Hi, @kweebtronic the package with the hotfixes has been released. Please use the package v1.1.4 instead to mitigate the issue. Nuget package link: And please let me know if there is any problem.

kweebtronic commented 4 weeks ago

Fantastic work @nytian! This one looks like a winner. Thanks for your help 👍