Azure / azure-functions-durable-extension

Durable Task Framework extension for Azure Functions
MIT License
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Fix handling of entity operation errors for isolated entities #2752

Closed sebastianburckhardt closed 3 months ago

sebastianburckhardt commented 4 months ago

The current code is not properly handling failing entity operation batches. Specifically, for failing batches, it was failing all operations indiscriminately, instead of processing the failure details of each operation in the batch and sending them back to the orchestration caller.

This PR fixes the problem by propagating the results of the batch back to the DurableTask middleware pipeline, even if the function failed.

I think this bug could have been caught if the entity tests #2612 were run in CI, as opposed to having to run them manually (I remember these tests all passing last year but they are failing now which alerted me to this problem).

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