Azure / azure-functions-durable-extension

Durable Task Framework extension for Azure Functions
MIT License
710 stars 263 forks source link

Durable Functions V3 GA work items #2822

Open nytian opened 1 month ago

nytian commented 1 month ago
### Tasks
- [x] Update branch `azure-storage-track2` with `main` in DTFx.
- [x] Update branch `v3.x` with `main` in DF extension.
- [x] Bug fixes about pop-receipt.
- [x] Update deprecated/security vulnerable dependencies version to the latest, including Azure.Identity v1.10.0
- [ ] Official documents update: drop support on v1; v2 will be in maintenance; new features will only be added in v3.
- [x] Performance Tests on .NET isolated worker
- [x] Verify if we have memory leak issue with managed identity as durable v2
- [ ] .NET 6 framework updates (TBD)
- [x] DTFx.AS v2 forward compatibility support and DTFx.AS v1 backward compatibility support
### Tasks
nytian commented 3 weeks ago

New preview version has been released:

DTFx.Azrue Storage: Durable in-proc Extension: Worker Extension:

This preview version includes:

nytian commented 1 week ago

New preview version released:

This new version add support to enable forward compatibility with DTFx.AzureStorage v1.x.