Azure / azure-functions-eventhubs-extension

Event Hubs extension for Azure Functions
MIT License
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Aggregate "The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the blob" causes false alarms #42

Closed thomasmichaelwallace closed 4 years ago

thomasmichaelwallace commented 4 years ago

(I'm still finding my way around Azure, so apologise if this is not the approrpiate place to raise this issue).

We have a Node.js Function App configured with an Azure Event Hubs trigger.

Because this is a fairly critical piece of infrastructure to us, we are alerting on the Application Insights query (exceptions where severityLevel > 1) > 0.

Approximately 5 times a day we receive a log for a Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs.Processor.LeaseLostException<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException> "The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the blob."

This logs with a severityLevel of 1 (which I understand to be 'information'). From what I can see, there's nothing I can do about these, and no action I can take, and they're just a fact of Azure life (as discussed in issue #5).

However these errors periodically (and seemingly randomy) get re-thrown as System.AggregateException "One or more errors occurred. (The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the blob.)". Which has a severityLevel of 3 (error).

Is there anything we can do to silence these- or are there actions we should be taking because of them? I don't want to get people into the habit of ignoring alarms, but at the moment that's my best advice.

wenyi189 commented 4 years ago

I'm running into something similar lately. According to this answer I don't think this is something you should worry about. This is mostly caused by the auto scaling.

thomasmichaelwallace commented 4 years ago

Thanks - @wenyi189 - it looks exactly like that answer describes.

Although it does mention that they should only be warnings, not errors. So I guess the problem is mostly about how the AggregateExcception gets thrown.

Just to keep people updated, I did raise a support ticket with Azure. So we'll see what happens and feed back.

alrod commented 4 years ago

We are treating LeaseLostException as information, such exceptions are expected:

There is no check for System.AggregateException, that's why you saw errors.

thomasmichaelwallace commented 4 years ago

Thanks @alrod (sorry about the close- hit the wrong button on the train).

So if I understand it, this is a bug, because low severity (expected) exceptions are causing high severity aggregate exceptions.

Where's the best place to report/fix this?

alrod commented 4 years ago

We can you use this github item for the bug.

We need to add AggregateExceptioncheck in ProcessErrorAsync for LeaseLostException and ReceiverDisconnectedException and log the exceptions as information

thomasmichaelwallace commented 4 years ago

I can take a look if you accept external PRs?

(Thought I'd check first, as I can see there's quite a few that have been open for months, and it looks like most closed ones have come from Microsoft?)

thomasmichaelwallace commented 4 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.