Open gurpreed opened 2 years ago
Tagging @lpapudippu / @kshyju for further investigation
@jainharsh98 Can you please look in to it ?
Adding @raorugan
@gurpreed Can you please mention the exact deployment method used in Step 4? There is an open issue with the func core tools regarding deployment of net6 isolated v4 image
FWIW, I ran into a similar issue earlier today when running a Functions container locally in Docker. I don't have the logs anymore, but one issue I noticed was that extensions.json was missing some entries when I compared it to a build that was working correctly on my desktop. Rebuilding the container image fixed it for me, so it seems to be some kind of race condition.
I think I just got this error in this CI build:
Installer image
FROM ENV AzureFunctionsJobHostLoggingConsole__IsEnabled=true \ DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER=true WORKDIR /home/site/wwwroot COPY . .
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[0] Overriding address(es) 'http://+:80'. Binding to endpoints defined via IConfiguration and/or UseKestrel() instead. info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14] Now listening on: info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Hosting environment: Production info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Content root path: /home/site/wwwroot info: Host.Triggers.Warmup[0] Initializing Warmup Extension. info: Host.Startup[503] Initializing Host. OperationId: '76aa393f-2ef0-4071-8e71-1a32263d547c'. info: Host.Startup[504] Host initialization: ConsecutiveErrors=0, StartupCount=1, OperationId=76aa393f-2ef0-4071-8e71-1a32263d547c info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Hosting.OptionsLoggingService[0] LoggerFilterOptions { "MinLevel": "None", "Rules": [ { "ProviderName": null, "CategoryName": null, "LogLevel": null, "Filter": "b0"
"ProviderName": "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Diagnostics.SystemLoggerProvider",
"CategoryName": null,
"LogLevel": "None",
"Filter": null
"ProviderName": "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.Diagnostics.SystemLoggerProvider",
"CategoryName": null,
"LogLevel": null,
"Filter": "b 0"
info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Hosting.OptionsLoggingService[0]
"DynamicConcurrencyEnabled": false,
"MaximumFunctionConcurrency": 500,
"CPUThreshold": 0.8,
"SnapshotPersistenceEnabled": true
info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Hosting.OptionsLoggingService[0]
"BatchSize": 1000,
"FlushTimeout": "00:00:30",
"IsEnabled": true
info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Hosting.OptionsLoggingService[0]
"LockPeriod": "00:00:15",
"ListenerLockPeriod": "00:01:00",
"LockAcquisitionTimeout": "10675199.02:48:05.4775807",
"LockAcquisitionPollingInterval": "00:00:05",
"ListenerLockRecoveryPollingInterval": "00:01:00"
info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Hosting.JobHostService[0]
Starting JobHost
info: Host.Startup[401]
Starting Host (HostId=taosplatsvcsapiadminlinuxdeploym, InstanceId=9acf9ae3-c17b-488f-a051-3f2c177f13a9, Version=, ProcessId=1, AppDomainId=1, InDebugMode=False, InDiagnosticMode=False, FunctionsExtensionVersion=(null))
info: Host.Startup[314]
Loading functions metadata
info: Host.Startup[315]
0 functions loaded
info: Host.Startup[0]
Generating 0 job function(s)
warn: Host.Startup[0]
No job functions found. Try making your job classes and methods public. If you're using binding extensions (e.g. Azure Storage, ServiceBus, Timers, etc.) make sure you've called the registration method for the extension(s) in your startup code (e.g. builder.AddAzureStorage(), builder.AddServiceBus(), builder.AddTimers(), etc.).
info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost.WebScriptHostHttpRoutesManager[0]
Initializing function HTTP routes
No HTTP routes mapped
info: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Hosting.OptionsLoggingService[0] HttpOptions { "DynamicThrottlesEnabled": false, "EnableChunkedRequestBinding": false, "MaxConcurrentRequests": -1, "MaxOutstandingRequests": -1, "RoutePrefix": "api" } info: Host.Startup[412] Host initialized (86ms) info: Host.Startup[413] Host started (97ms) info: Host.Startup[0] Job host started Hosting environment: Production Content root path: /home/site/wwwroot Now listening on: http://[::]:80 Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. info: Host.General[337] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '000000000000000000000000643EADBB'.