Azure / azure-functions-java-library

Contains annotations for writing Azure Functions in Java
MIT License
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v3 release notes - CosmosDB v4 extension #196

Open Stefanqn opened 1 year ago

Stefanqn commented 1 year ago

please clarify the release notes of v.3.0.0: they state that it "Updating cosmos DB annotations to support v4 extension bundle.".

Yet Cosmos DBs Bundle v.4.x documentation states that "version 4.x of the Azure Cosmos DB extension isn't currently supported for Java functions."

Is it possible to use Java functions for Cosmos DB extension v4?

kaibocai commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Stefanqn, seems the doc is out of date. We will update it and let you know. Thanks.

Stefanqn commented 1 year ago

Thank you @kaibocai . Are there any updates?

kaibocai commented 1 year ago

I have raised a PR to update the docs, I am waiting on it to be merged. Thanks.

V3.0.0 release supports version 4.x of the Azure Cosmos DB extension.

Stefanqn commented 1 year ago

nice. Is there a working example with CosmosDB and azure-functions-java-library V3.0.0? I wasn't able to get it working.

kaibocai commented 1 year ago

Here are same testing cases we have for CosmosDB