Azure / azure-functions-powershell-worker

PowerShell language worker for Azure Functions.
MIT License
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Updating build to check for vulnerabilities #1026

Closed Francisco-Gamino closed 6 months ago

Francisco-Gamino commented 6 months ago

Issue describing the changes in this PR


This PR contains the following changes:

Below is a screenshot of the new stage in the pipeline.


If vulnerabilities are found, the user can run Check-CsprojVulnerabilities.ps1 -PrintReport locally to see which packages need to be upgraded.

PS E:\GH\azure-functions-powershell-worker> .\Check-CsprojVulnerabilities.ps1 -PrintReport
Analyzing 'E:\GH\azure-functions-powershell-worker/src/Microsoft.Azure.Functions.PowerShellWorker.csproj' for vulnerabilities...
  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
No vulnerabilities found

Analyzing 'E:\GH\azure-functions-powershell-worker/test/Unit/Microsoft.Azure.Functions.PowerShellWorker.Test.csproj' for vulnerabilities...
  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
No vulnerabilities found

Analyzing 'E:\GH\azure-functions-powershell-worker/test/E2E/Azure.Functions.PowerShellWorker.E2E/Azure.Functions.PowerShellWorker.E2E/Azure.Functions.PowerShellWorker.E2E.csproj' for vulnerabilities...
  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.

Vulnerabilities found!
The following sources were used:
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\

Project `Azure.Functions.PowerShellWorker.E2E` has the following vulnerable packages
   Transitive Package                    Resolved   Severity   Advisory URL
   > System.Net.Http                     4.3.0      High
   > System.Text.RegularExpressions      4.3.0      High

PS E:\GH\azure-functions-powershell-worker>

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Francisco-Gamino commented 6 months ago

/cc @davidmrdavid

Francisco-Gamino commented 6 months ago

@amamounelsayed @khkh-ms -- After merging this PR, we will check for vulnerabilities in the worker dependencies for both PowerShell 7.2 and 7.4.