Azure / azure-iot-cli-extension

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[bug] Target condition containing "IN" works in Portal but fails upon create #490

Open papakpmartin opened 2 years ago

papakpmartin commented 2 years ago

Using Azure Portal, if I create a deployment that has a target condition like tags.environment IN ['foo','bar'] OR deviceId IN ['a','b','c'], that condition finds all expected devices when I “Find Devices” on that blade, but when I attempt to “create” that deployment, I get an error: InvalidConfigurationTargetCondition.

I did see the question from @digimaun on a similar issue (, and the answer is yes, I'm certain that the target condition works ini the portal when setting things up, and that API request returns a HTTP 200.

I can't seem to find an authoritative target condition reference, but I do note that IN is not listed at

So I think that either something is wrong and IN should be working as expected, and this just isn't well documented, or IN is not a supported target condition, in which case it should not be working in the Portal when setting up a Deployment.

digimaun commented 2 years ago

Hey @papakpmartin thanks for highlighting this issue. Agreed there is a disconnect in what different operations support here -- to capture what's happening in a repro/recap summary...

In this section of the portal edge deployment create flow


There are two API operations in play both configurations/testQueries and device/query (equivalent of az iot hub query) have successful 200 response codes returning KPIs


However when submitting for creation there is the 400 InvalidConfigurationTargetCondition error raised by the service. Ideally there could be clarified docs for this case, and the UX could block/more optimally surface what target conditions will work for a deployment.

We'll need to do some investigation for next steps, but in the meantime I hope you are able to construct your target condition in a different way as a workaround.

papakpmartin commented 2 years ago

I am. It's a little cumbersome to break everything up into ORs, but it works.

Thanks for your consideration!

chieftn commented 2 years ago

Hi @papakpmartin and @digimaun thank you for raising this disconnect. As @digimaun suggests, the disconnect is between the testQueries method and the actual {put} of the updated configuration object during save. TestQueries is a validation method returning a payload indicating if the target condition has an error. Specifically, that method returns a payload of:

{ ..., targetConditionError: null } if there is no error with the target condition.
If the targetConditionError value is not null, the validation fails.

In this case, the testqueries method indicates there is no problem with the IN query but the {put} is still being rejected. We'll look into the disconnect to determine whether testQueries is accurate or the {put}'s internal validation.

papakpmartin commented 3 weeks ago

This remains a problem (over two years later).

This works perfectly on the Queries blade and when clicking View Devices when creating a deployment, but fails when saving: tags.environment='dev' AND properties.reported.osVersion.current IN ['1.6.0','1.6.2']. tags.environment='dev' AND STARTSWITH(properties.reported.osVersion.current,'1.6.') also should work but fails.

This forces me to use the harder to read/maintain tags.environment='dev' AND (properties.reported.osVersion.current='1.6.0' OR properties.reported.osVersion.current='1.6.2'), which becomes pretty cumbersome when one has more than a few OR in there.

Can this please be fixed, @chieftn and/or @digimaun?