Azure / azure-iot-cli-extension

Azure IoT extension for Azure CLI
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Dps device registration using device sdk #515

Closed vilit1 closed 2 years ago

vilit1 commented 2 years ago

Support DPS device registration using the Device sdk (

Note that this will just register a device using the DPS and it should end up in IoT Hub. Since the HTTP protocol for device registration is not as "stable" as the mqtt pipeline in the device sdk, the device sdk is used.

Key usability improvements:

  1. Can retrieve the id scope
  2. Can retrieve the symmetric key or generate device key
  3. If the id scope and symmetric key/device key is provided, can avoid any az login attempts.

Note that there are a lot of "fixes" and "add-ons" for this:

  1. The return type from the device sdk registration is manually created. The device sdk registration state's string format does not adhere to our purposes.
  2. Error handling involves error matching and changing the error message to be more understandable.

Some x509 limitations discovered:

Help Page in question:

    az iot device registration create : Register an IoT Device with IoT Device Provisioning Service.
        The following attestation mechanisms are supported:
        - Symmetric key
        - x509 certificate
        If using x509 authentication methods, the certificate and key files must be provided.
        Command group 'iot device registration' is in preview and under development. Reference
        and support levels:

    --registration-id --rid     [Required] : Device registration ID or individual enrollment ID.
    --enrollment-group-id --gid --group-id : Enrollment group ID.
    --payload                              : Custom allocation payload as JSON. Specifically for use
                                             with custom allocation policies using Azure Functions.
    --resource-group -g                    : Name of resource group. You can configure the default
                                             group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.

Access Control Arguments
    --auth-type                            : Indicates whether the operation should auto-derive a
                                             policy key or use the current Azure AD session. You can
                                             configure the default using `az configure --defaults
                                             iothub-data-auth-type=<auth-type-value>`.  Allowed
                                             values: key, login.  Config: key.

Device Provisioning Service Identifier Arguments
    --dps-name -n                          : Name of the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service.
                                             Required if --login is not provided or authenticaton
                                             arguments and --id-scope are not provided.
    --id-scope --scope                     : Id Scope of the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning
                                             Service. If provided with authentication arguments,
                                             will avoid session login.
    --login -l                             : This command supports an entity connection string with
                                             rights to perform action. Use to avoid session login
                                             via "az login". If both an entity connection string and
                                             name are provided the connection string takes priority.
                                             Required if --dps-name is not provided or authenticaton
                                             arguments and --id-scope are not provided.

Symmetric Key Authentication Arguments
    --ck --compute-key                     : Flag to indicate that the symmetric key for the device
                                             registration should be computed from the given key with
    --key --symmetric-key                  : The symmetric shared access key for the device

x509 Authentication Arguments
    --certificate-file-path --cp           : Path to certificate PEM file. Required for x509
    --key-file-path --kp                   : Path to key PEM file. Required for x509 registrations.
    --pass --passphrase                    : Passphrase for the certificate.

Global Arguments
    --debug                                : Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
    --help -h                              : Show this help message and exit.
    --only-show-errors                     : Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
    --output -o                            : Output format.  Allowed values: json, jsonc, none,
                                             table, tsv, yaml, yamlc.  Default: json.
    --query                                : JMESPath query string. See for
                                             more information and examples.
    --subscription                         : Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the
                                             default subscription using `az account set -s
    --verbose                              : Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug

    Register an IoT Device using an individual enrollment.
        az iot device registration create -n {dps_name} --rid {registration_id}

    Register an IoT Device using a group enrollment.
        az iot device registration create -n {dps_name} --rid {registration_id} --gid

    Register an IoT Device using an individual enrollment, the Device Provisioning Service ID Scope,
    and given symmetric key. This will bypass retrieving the ID Scope and individal enrollment
    symmetric key.
        az iot device registration create --id-scope {id_scope} --rid {registration_id} --key

    Register an IoT Device using a group enrollment, the Device Provisioning Service ID Scope, and
    given enrollment group symmetric key. This will bypass retrieving the ID Scope and enrollment-
    group symmetric key. The symmetric key used for the device registration will be computed from
    the given symmetric key.
        az iot device registration create --id-scope {id_scope} --rid {registration_id} --gid
        {group_enrollment_id} --key {symmetric_key} --ck

    Register an IoT Device using a group enrollment, the Device Provisioning Service ID Scope, and
    given symmetric key. This will bypass retrieving the ID Scope. Note that since the symmetric key
    should be the computed device key, the enrollment group id is not needed.
        az iot device registration create --id-scope {id_scope} --rid {registration_id} --key

    Register an IoT Device using an individual enrollment, the Device Provisioning Service ID Scope,
    and given certificate and key files. This will bypass retrieving the ID Scope.
        az iot device registration create --id-scope {id_scope} --rid {registration_id} --cp
        {certificate_file} --kp {key_file}

    Register an IoT Device using a group enrollment, the Device Provisioning Service ID Scope, and
    given certificate and key files. This will bypass retrieving the ID Scope. Note that the group
    enrollment id is not needed for x509 attestations.
        az iot device registration create --id-scope {id_scope} --rid {registration_id} --cp
        {certificate_file} --kp {key_file}

Comparison between using a generated sdk (http transport) vs the device sdk: Generated sdk:

  1. error messages are directly from service and most usable for us
  2. object returned does not need any transforms and the substatus is correctly reported
  3. can implement registration show - which main benefit would be to show the registration state using idscope
  4. can implement registration operation show - which can show an old state of the registration
  5. tokenization on service side means that only one token can be used for 30 minutes. If the primary token is used, the secondary token cannot be used until the 30 min is up (even if the enrollment is deleted).

Device sdk:

  1. has support for x509 and symmetric key
  2. already used for central testing
  3. no tokenization issues

Future plans: support tpm attestation

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digimaun commented 2 years ago

Let's add a HISTORY entry for this functionality

vilit1 commented 2 years ago - with durations

vilit1 commented 2 years ago

hub seems to be unaffected by the sha change.

avagraw commented 2 years ago

As discussed - test performance improvements will be tackled as a follow up task: