Azure / azure-iot-explorer

Cross-platform UI for interacting with devices attached to Azure IoT Hub. This tool is meant for learning and testing, not for production environment.
MIT License
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[Feature request] Enabling Protobuf Message Decoder #383

Closed MZDN closed 2 years ago

MZDN commented 3 years ago

Problem Not all messages sent by devices are in json. They can be also be in protobuf, zlib or another format.

Solution description Since protobuf is mostly used as message exchange format, there should be a possibility on the azure iot explorer to choose a decoder (for protobuf) in order to see/verify the messages that are being read from iot-hub. If the user chooses the decoder protobuf, he should able to upload the protobuf description of the expected messages. The user can then see the messages in for human readable format.

YingXue commented 3 years ago

Hi @MZDN Thank you for reporting this issue. We will look into this.

MZDN commented 3 years ago

That will be awesome! Thanks @YingXue!

YingXue commented 2 years ago has addressed the issue. We've provided a command with a a panel on Telemetry page for user who would like to use protobuf.

JedidiahPaterson commented 8 months ago

I know this is close but along these lines could there also be a CBOR decoder?