Azure / azure-iot-hub-vs-cs-2017

Visual Studio extension to ease the use of the Azure IoT client SDK
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Error: The parameter is incorrect #4

Open glbwell0 opened 6 years ago

glbwell0 commented 6 years ago

I am getting the following error when I add Azure IoT Hub as a connected service to a project.

New service instance myIoTHub created Error: Adding Azure IoT Hub to the project failed: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))

sadranyi commented 6 years ago

Having the Same Issues

BrettOJ commented 6 years ago

Has anyone found the issue here? I have the same error when adding Azure Sphere device :-(

BrettOJ commented 6 years ago

Update - Fixed this by removing the connected service and re-adding it in VS after connecting the IOT Hub to the DPS service in Azure

jrchinchilla commented 6 years ago

Having same issue. DPS already linked to my IoT Hub.

jrchinchilla commented 6 years ago

Solved the issue. Uninstall Connected Service for Azure IoT Hub v1.9 from VS by going to Tools->Extensions and Updates. It will revert to the (older?) the version that comes with the Azure IoT SDK for VS 2017 called Device Connectivity with Azure IoT.