Azure / azure-iot-remote-monitoring

Azure IoT Remote Monitoring preconfigured solution
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Custom Device Provisioning #75

Closed networkfusion closed 8 years ago

networkfusion commented 8 years ago

I have created a device using netmf and I am trying to provision the device (i.e. change the status from pending in the devices list)

I am sending the following json string contained within the message body (copied and pasted from device explorer which is monitoring the event hub) although 'Event Id' is actually contained within message.ApplicationProperties["EventId"] not Json

    'EventId': '601282515'

however the device status stays as pending.

Am I missing anything?

It would also help if there was some documentation about the provisioning parameters including sample message bodies and which parameters are mandatory...

networkfusion commented 8 years ago

It turns out the problem is:


this should have been


To be honest, this should really be called


as it is related to the data and could be construed as being the firmware version et al.

My points on documenting in the previous comments are still valid though!

jamesweb-ms commented 8 years ago


You can add support for more versions here. The version allows you to decide how to deserialize the message.

jamesweb-ms commented 8 years ago

As a side note, you could also add device types here too. This would allow support for different device types with different sensors.

networkfusion commented 8 years ago

@jamesweb-ms I am not sure I understand... only 'ObjectType' 'DeviceId' and 'Version' seemed to be fixed attributes and therefore mandatory?! I am not sure what you would want/need to change the schema version as most variables are dynamic... any examples? I also thought the sensor telemetry part was dynamic...

My plan at the moment is to have many devices attached to remote monitoring. Each device will have a single sensor attached but they maybe one of 12 different types of sensor. The sensors will send their telemetry using a schema yet to be decided but would be similar to the format OMJson or SensorThings. for the device management I am open to any schema that works well enough which remotemonitoring seems to do.

Badiboy commented 8 years ago

I just left it here. Additionally to version "1.0" "HubEnabledState": "true" should be added to "DeviceProperties" This brought my device to "Running" from "Pending". Original post + first reply were not enough.