I have application gateway that is in this format:
ip-address/dps that routes the traffic global.azure-devices-provisioning.net
ip-address/iot that routes the traffic to myiothub.azure-devices.net
My question is: What do I need to do in Azure IoT C SDK in Prov_Device_Create (or anything else) to be able to register device to my iothub not hitting global.azure-devices-provisioning.net but hitting my application gateway instead that will route the traffic to global.azure-devices-provisioning.net?
Also, what do I need to do after successful registration to connect device to my iot hub also not hitting iot hub directly but hitting my application gateway instead that will route the traffic to iot hub?
Can you provide code samples please if such thing is possible?
For example, imagine that application gateway routes the traffic to global.azure-devices-provisioning.net.
Prov_Device_Create("",iot_hub_scope_id, Prov_Device_MQTT_WS_Protocol)won't work and I am getting PROV_DEVICE_RESULT_TRANSPORT error, how to fix that?
I have application gateway that is in this format: ip-address/dps that routes the traffic global.azure-devices-provisioning.net and ip-address/iot that routes the traffic to myiothub.azure-devices.net
My question is: What do I need to do in Azure IoT C SDK in Prov_Device_Create (or anything else) to be able to register device to my iothub not hitting global.azure-devices-provisioning.net but hitting my application gateway instead that will route the traffic to global.azure-devices-provisioning.net?
Also, what do I need to do after successful registration to connect device to my iot hub also not hitting iot hub directly but hitting my application gateway instead that will route the traffic to iot hub?
Can you provide code samples please if such thing is possible?
For example, imagine that application gateway routes the traffic to global.azure-devices-provisioning.net.
Prov_Device_Create("",iot_hub_scope_id, Prov_Device_MQTT_WS_Protocol)
won't work and I am getting PROV_DEVICE_RESULT_TRANSPORT error, how to fix that?Much appreciated. Thanks in advance.