Azure / azure-iot-sdk-csharp

A C# SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services
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[Bug Report] [SDK v2] Wrong currentRetryCount value for different RetryPolicy-s #3334

Closed bastyuchenko closed 1 year ago

bastyuchenko commented 1 year ago

I'm implementing my own RetryPolicy

for ProvisioningClient

var options = new ProvisioningClientOptions(mqttSettings)
    RetryPolicy = new MyProvisioningClientRetryPolicy()

public class MyProvisioningClientRetryPolicy : ProvisioningClientRetryPolicyBase
    public MyProvisioningClientRetryPolicy() : base(.....)
    {  }

    public override bool ShouldRetry(uint currentRetryCount, Exception lastException, out TimeSpan retryDelay)
        if (!base.ShouldRetry(currentRetryCount, lastException, out retryDelay))
        {    return false;    }

for IotHubClient

var options = new IotHubClientOptions(mqttSettings)
    RetryPolicy = new MyIotHubClientRetryPolicy()

public class MyIotHubClientRetryPolicy : IotHubClientRetryPolicyBase
    public MyIotHubClientRetryPolicy() : base(.....)
    {  }

    public override bool ShouldRetry(uint currentRetryCount, Exception lastException, out TimeSpan retryDelay)
        if (!base.ShouldRetry(currentRetryCount, lastException, out retryDelay))
        {    return false;    }

For ProvisioningClientRetryPolicy, currentRetryCount equals 1 in ShouldRetry method for the first attempt. For IotHubClientRetryPolicy, currentRetryCount equals 0 in ShouldRetry method for the first attempt.

From my point of view, If you are implementing RetryPolicy for one client and see currentRetryCount==0 you are expecting the same behavior for another client's RetryPolicy with the same schema.

patilsnr commented 1 year ago

Hello @bastyuchenko -- thanks for your patience here. Could you please tell us more about the use cases for retry policies in your application? I.e, what kinds of exceptions are triggering retries in the first place? Additionally, which transport protocols are you using? This will help us narrow down possible causes here. Let me know if I can be more clear!

bastyuchenko commented 1 year ago

Hello @patilsnr , We have a backend application and an application that we roll out on our devices. Our customer wants to increase number of devices and the communication workload with IoT Hub and our entire system workload from devices will increase. Currently, I'm trying to implement retry logic in the code from a device side. We use:

I believe that it is unexpected and not obvious behavior for a developer that uses Azure IoT SDK .NET

To catch a transient exception and debug the retry policy I just disconnect my network cable or turn-off WiFi before run provisioningClient.RegisterAsync(...) or iotHubClient.OpenAsync(...)

patilsnr commented 1 year ago

Hi @bastyuchenko, thanks for the clarification. We've made a change that will hopefully fix the issue and should be included in our next preview release. Adding the fix checked in tag to this issue, and will ping when the release is out to verify that this is fixed.

bastyuchenko commented 1 year ago

Hi @patilsnr , thanks for the update.

andyk-ms commented 1 year ago

closing with fix available