Azure / azure-iot-sdk-csharp

A C# SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services
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[Bug Report] Owner and Contributor roles fail with 'is not authorized for GET on /twins/device_id', "IoT Hub Data Reader" is explicitely required #3344

Open tymtam2 opened 1 year ago

tymtam2 commented 1 year ago
  1. Setup IoT Hub and give yourself Owner and/or Contributor roles

  2. Create a device called in IoT Hub

  3. ✅ This works:

    az login --tenant xyz
    az iot hub device-twin show --hub-name 'hub1' --device-id 'John' --query 'properties.desired' --output json --subscription 'sub1'
  4. ❌ This doesn't work:

    var hub = "";
    var deviceId = "John";

var credential = new AzureCliCredential();
var ar rm = RegistryManager.Create(hub, credential); var twin = await rm.GetTwinAsync(deviceId); // IotHubUnauthorized;Principal edited>@< is not authorized for GET on /twins/John

> Error: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Common.Exceptions.UnauthorizedException: {"Message":"ErrorCode:IotHubUnauthorized;Principal <edited>@<edited>.com is not authorized for GET on /twins/John due to no assigned permissions","ExceptionMessage":"Tracking ID:abc:0-TimeStamp:06/26/2023 07:44:12"}

5. Assign "IoT Hub Data Reader" role to the user 
6. ✅ 

var twin = await rm.GetTwinAsync(deviceId); // Success


i "nuget:"

i "nuget:"

r "nuget:Azure.Identity"

r "nuget:Microsoft.Extensions.Azure"

r "nuget:Microsoft.Azure.Devices"

using Azure.Identity; using Microsoft.Extensions.Azure; using Microsoft.Azure.Devices;