Azure / azure-libraries-for-java

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[QUERY] How to config VM with a given DiskEncryptionSet id? #1416

Closed yihan-go closed 1 year ago

yihan-go commented 2 years ago

Query/Question We could use the API template (2019-07-01) to config a VM with dataDisk with DiskEncryptionSet(DES) id like this But we are struggled to do it with SDK (1.41.0), we only found things like this but could not find a place to config the DES id. Is this supported with the given version? If so, is there any code example that we could refer to?

Setup (please complete the following information if applicable):

weidongxu-microsoft commented 2 years ago

You had to do it without convenient code.

                            (VirtualMachineInner) new VirtualMachineInner()
                                    .withHardwareProfile(new HardwareProfile().withVmSize(VirtualMachineSizeTypes.STANDARD_D1_V2))
                                            new StorageProfile()
                                                            new ImageReference()
                                                            new OSDisk()
                                                                            new ManagedDiskParameters()
                                                                                    .withDiskEncryptionSet((DiskEncryptionSetParameters) new DiskEncryptionSetParameters()
                                            new OSProfile()
                                                            new LinuxConfiguration()
                                                                            new SshConfiguration()
                                                                                                            new SshPublicKeyInner()
                                                                                                                                    + " AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCeClRAk2ipUs/l5voIsDC5q9RI+YSRd1Bvd/O+axgY4WiBzG+4FwJWZm/mLLe5DoOdHQwmU2FrKXZSW4w2sYE70KeWnrFViCOX5MTVvJgPE8ClugNl8RWth/tU849DvM9sT7vFgfVSHcAS2yDRyDlueii+8nF2ym8XWAPltFVCyLHRsyBp5YPqK8JFYIa1eybKsY3hEAxRCA+/7bq8et+Gj3coOsuRmrehav7rE6N12Pb80I6ofa6SM5XNYq4Xk0iYNx7R3kdz0Jj9XgZYWjAHjJmT0gTRoOnt6upOuxK7xI/ykWrllgpXrCPu3Ymz+c+ujaqcxDopnAl2lmf69/J1"))))))
                                            new NetworkProfile()
                                                                            ((NetworkInterfaceReference) new NetworkInterfaceReference()
yihan-go commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the fast reply and useful code example!