Azure / azure-mobile-services-cordova

Apache License 2.0
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404 on getTable #31

Closed mattheuspirovani closed 7 years ago

mattheuspirovani commented 7 years ago

Created a Mobile App Quick Start Downloaded the Cordova Sample Added the android platform Everything works fine until then, buuuut running this line:

todoItemTable = client.getTable('todoitem');

Throws the following error

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)$filter=(complete%20eq%20false) Not Found - 404

adrianhall commented 7 years ago

This repository is for the azure mobile services - it is no longer in active development and you should not be using this.

That being said, you should check to see if your backend has a todoitem table - this can be checked in Easy Tables in the Azure portal if you have used the Quickstart