Azure / azure-mobile-services-cordova

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Please add support for WNS notifications #8

Closed ThumbGen closed 4 years ago

ThumbGen commented 8 years ago

Is the WNS support planned? Would be amazing to be able to connect to the Azure Notification Hub and receive the Windows notifs.


phvannor commented 8 years ago

WNS Support is currently in the MobileApp branch for cordova. WNS Support will probably not be added into the Service branch at this time.

xqiu commented 8 years ago

Is the code in ? Should we simply port that code over? At this time, I can't port my cordova app to windows universal due to this restriction.

phvannor commented 8 years ago

The I was referring to was here:, but that branch is for Mobile App's and uses a different (newer) API on NH to do registrations so you can't just port it over to a service. (With the cordova files here:, or on npm)

I don't know if the WInJS version of push would work for WNS on Win Universal, I suppose it should, but it'd be tricky to work in. I think if you want to get this to work on services, I would recommend copying the pattern used for gcm and apns in this web version ( and just use wns instead as applicable.

xqiu commented 8 years ago

Thanks. As you suggested, I've decided to modify mobileServices.Web-1.2.8.js directly, and I get wns toast to work. The js file is shared here: . It's not a lot of code to change.

candidodmv commented 8 years ago

@xqiu did you succeed implementation WNS ? Could you share your your insights? Thanks so much!

xqiu commented 8 years ago

yes. By using the modified js file linked above.

From the app side in Cordova:

                    if (client) {
                        // Register for notifications.
                        client.push.wns.registerNative(wnsRegId, $scope.getTags()).done(function () {
                            }, function (err) {


This is the code I use on the server side.

//insert should use Script/Admin authentication admin, and we use master key for the server.
//read is to use application key... This will ensure that if application key is disclosed, it will not be able to insert to our table.

function insert(item, user, request) {

    // Define a simple payload for a GCM notification.
    var payload = {
        "message": item.title

    // Define a payload for the Windows Store toast notification.
    var payloadwns = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><toast><visual>' +
        '<binding template="ToastText01">  <text id="1">' +
        item.title + '</text></binding></visual></toast>';

        success: function () {
            // If the insert succeeds, send a notification.
            // Send to all template registrations
            push.send(item.tag, payload, {
                success: function (pushResponse) {
                    console.log("Sent push:", pushResponse, payload);

                    // send a notification for windows (a native registration).
                    push.wns.send(item.tag, payloadwns, 'wns/toast', {
                        success: function (pushResponse) {
                            console.log("Sent push wns:", pushResponse);
                        error: function (pushResponse) {
                            console.log("Error Sending push wns:", pushResponse);
                            request.respond(500, { error: pushResponse });
                error: function (pushResponse) {
                    console.log("Error Sending push:", pushResponse);
        error: function (err) {
            console.log("request.execute error", err)
candidodmv commented 8 years ago

@xqiu you could do a pull request with this implementation, this will be very helpful for community.

xqiu commented 8 years ago

Sure. Here it is:

candidodmv commented 8 years ago

@phvannor @xqiu How do you succed to include additional data within wns toast payload?