Azure / azure-notificationhubs-xamarin

Azure Notification Hubs Sample for Xamarin Forms
MIT License
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[QUERY] Duplicate installations/registrations after re-install #111

Open wildginger opened 2 years ago

wildginger commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I have got my apps successfully registering and receiving notifications, I can send a test notification from Azure and it is received as expected.

But each time I uninstall the app, and re-install it, it seems to be creating a new registration in Azure Notification Hub, as when I sent a test notification again, the results say successfully sent 2 notifications. Im currently on 5 registrations, so the number of sent push notifications in Azure is going up quickly!

I am simply calling MSNotificationHub.Start(...) in FinishedLaunching()

So my questions are:

1) Should it be creating new installations / registrations on each fresh app install? 2) I feel I should somehow be either removing existing ones or updating them, so if so, can anyone point me in the right direction to do this?

Thanks in advance.