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Az.Functions cmdlet help content should not include complex parameter properties #15044

Open Francisco-Gamino opened 3 years ago

Francisco-Gamino commented 3 years ago


If you run Get-Help Update-AzFunctionApp -Full the output between the Parameters and Examples section includes the following which should not be there:

This needs to be removed.





        To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

        INPUTOBJECT <ISite>:
          Location <String>: Resource Location.
          CloningInfoSourceWebAppId <String>: ARM resource ID of the source app. App resource ID is of the form         /subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{siteName} for
        production slots and         /subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{siteName}/slots/{slotName} for other slots.
          [Kind <String>]: Kind of resource.
          [Tag <IResourceTags>]: Resource tags.
            [(Any) <String>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
          [ClientAffinityEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to enable client affinity; <code>false</code> to stop sending session affinity cookies, which route client requests in the same session to the same instance.
        Default is <code>true</code>.
          [ClientCertEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to enable client certificate authentication (TLS mutual authentication); otherwise, <code>false</code>. Default is <code>false</code>.
          [ClientCertExclusionPath <String>]: client certificate authentication comma-separated exclusion paths
          [CloningInfoAppSettingsOverride <ICloningInfoAppSettingsOverrides>]: Application setting overrides for cloned app. If specified, these settings override the settings cloned         from source app. Otherwise,
        application settings from source app are retained.
            [(Any) <String>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
          [CloningInfoCloneCustomHostName <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to clone custom hostnames from source app; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
          [CloningInfoCloneSourceControl <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to clone source control from source app; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
          [CloningInfoConfigureLoadBalancing <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to configure load balancing for source and destination app.
          [CloningInfoCorrelationId <String>]: Correlation ID of cloning operation. This ID ties multiple cloning operations         together to use the same snapshot.
          [CloningInfoHostingEnvironment <String>]: App Service Environment.
          [CloningInfoOverwrite <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to overwrite destination app; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
          [CloningInfoSourceWebAppLocation <String>]: Location of source app ex: West US or North Europe
          [CloningInfoTrafficManagerProfileId <String>]: ARM resource ID of the Traffic Manager profile to use, if it exists. Traffic Manager resource ID is of the form
          [CloningInfoTrafficManagerProfileName <String>]: Name of Traffic Manager profile to create. This is only needed if Traffic Manager profile does not already exist.
          [Config <ISiteConfig>]: Configuration of the app.
            IsPushEnabled <Boolean>: Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the Push endpoint is enabled.
            [ActionMinProcessExecutionTime <String>]: Minimum time the process must execute         before taking the action
            [ActionType <AutoHealActionType?>]: Predefined action to be taken.
            [AlwaysOn <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if Always On is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [ApiDefinitionUrl <String>]: The URL of the API definition.
            [ApiManagementConfigId <String>]: APIM-Api Identifier.
            [AppCommandLine <String>]: App command line to launch.
            [AppSetting <INameValuePair[]>]: Application settings.
              [Name <String>]: Pair name.
              [Value <String>]: Pair value.
            [AutoHealEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if Auto Heal is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [AutoSwapSlotName <String>]: Auto-swap slot name.
            [ConnectionString <IConnStringInfo[]>]: Connection strings.
              [ConnectionString <String>]: Connection string value.
              [Name <String>]: Name of connection string.
              [Type <ConnectionStringType?>]: Type of database.
            [CorAllowedOrigin <String[]>]: Gets or sets the list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin         calls (for example: Use "*" to allow all.
            [CorSupportCredentials <Boolean?>]: Gets or sets whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed. See         for more
            [CustomActionExe <String>]: Executable to be run.
            [CustomActionParameter <String>]: Parameters for the executable.
            [DefaultDocument <String[]>]: Default documents.
            [DetailedErrorLoggingEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if detailed error logging is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [DocumentRoot <String>]: Document root.
            [DynamicTagsJson <String>]: Gets or sets a JSON string containing a list of dynamic tags that will be evaluated from user claims in the push registration endpoint.
            [ExperimentRampUpRule <IRampUpRule[]>]: List of ramp-up rules.
              [ActionHostName <String>]: Hostname of a slot to which the traffic will be redirected if decided to. E.g.
              [ChangeDecisionCallbackUrl <String>]: Custom decision algorithm can be provided in TiPCallback site extension which URL can be specified. See TiPCallback site extension for the scaffold and contracts.
              [ChangeIntervalInMinute <Int32?>]: Specifies interval in minutes to reevaluate ReroutePercentage.
              [ChangeStep <Double?>]: In auto ramp up scenario this is the step to add/remove from <code>ReroutePercentage</code> until it reaches \n<code>MinReroutePercentage</code> or
        <code>MaxReroutePercentage</code>. Site metrics are checked every N minutes specified in <code>ChangeIntervalInMinutes</code>.\nCustom decision algorithm         can be provided in TiPCallback site extension which
        URL can be specified in <code>ChangeDecisionCallbackUrl</code>.
              [MaxReroutePercentage <Double?>]: Specifies upper boundary below which ReroutePercentage will stay.
              [MinReroutePercentage <Double?>]: Specifies lower boundary above which ReroutePercentage will stay.
              [Name <String>]: Name of the routing rule. The recommended name would be to point to the slot which will receive the traffic in the experiment.
              [ReroutePercentage <Double?>]: Percentage of the traffic which will be redirected to <code>ActionHostName</code>.
            [FtpsState <FtpsState?>]: State of FTP / FTPS service
            [HandlerMapping <IHandlerMapping[]>]: Handler mappings.
              [Argument <String>]: Command-line arguments to be passed to the script processor.
              [Extension <String>]: Requests with this extension will be handled using the specified FastCGI application.
              [ScriptProcessor <String>]: The absolute path to the FastCGI application.
            [HealthCheckPath <String>]: Health check path
            [Http20Enabled <Boolean?>]: Http20Enabled: configures a web site to allow clients to connect over http2.0
            [HttpLoggingEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if HTTP logging is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [IPSecurityRestriction <IIPSecurityRestriction[]>]: IP security restrictions for main.
              [Action <String>]: Allow or Deny access for this IP range.
              [Description <String>]: IP restriction rule description.
              [IPAddress <String>]: IP address the security restriction is valid for.         It can be in form of pure ipv4 address (required SubnetMask property) or         CIDR notation such as ipv4/mask (leading bit
        match). For CIDR,         SubnetMask property must not be specified.
              [Name <String>]: IP restriction rule name.
              [Priority <Int32?>]: Priority of IP restriction rule.
              [SubnetMask <String>]: Subnet mask for the range of IP addresses the restriction is valid for.
              [SubnetTrafficTag <Int32?>]: (internal) Subnet traffic tag
              [Tag <IPFilterTag?>]: Defines what this IP filter will be used for. This is to support IP filtering on proxies.
              [VnetSubnetResourceId <String>]: Virtual network resource id
              [VnetTrafficTag <Int32?>]: (internal) Vnet traffic tag
            [JavaContainer <String>]: Java container.
            [JavaContainerVersion <String>]: Java container version.
            [JavaVersion <String>]: Java version.
            [LimitMaxDiskSizeInMb <Int64?>]: Maximum allowed disk size usage in MB.
            [LimitMaxMemoryInMb <Int64?>]: Maximum allowed memory usage in MB.
            [LimitMaxPercentageCpu <Double?>]: Maximum allowed CPU usage percentage.
            [LinuxFxVersion <String>]: Linux App Framework and version
            [LoadBalancing <SiteLoadBalancing?>]: Site load balancing.
            [LocalMySqlEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to enable local MySQL; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [LogsDirectorySizeLimit <Int32?>]: HTTP logs directory size limit.
            [MachineKeyDecryption <String>]: Algorithm used for decryption.
            [MachineKeyDecryptionKey <String>]: Decryption key.
            [MachineKeyValidation <String>]: MachineKey validation.
            [MachineKeyValidationKey <String>]: Validation key.
            [ManagedPipelineMode <ManagedPipelineMode?>]: Managed pipeline mode.
            [ManagedServiceIdentityId <Int32?>]: Managed Service Identity Id
            [MinTlsVersion <SupportedTlsVersions?>]: MinTlsVersion: configures the minimum version of TLS required for SSL requests
            [NetFrameworkVersion <String>]: .NET Framework version.
            [NodeVersion <String>]: Version of Node.js.
            [NumberOfWorker <Int32?>]: Number of workers.
            [PhpVersion <String>]: Version of PHP.
            [PowerShellVersion <String>]: Version of PowerShell.
            [PreWarmedInstanceCount <Int32?>]: Number of preWarmed instances.         This setting only applies to the Consumption and Elastic Plans
            [PublishingUsername <String>]: Publishing user name.
            [PushKind <String>]: Kind of resource.
            [PythonVersion <String>]: Version of Python.
            [RemoteDebuggingEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if remote debugging is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [RemoteDebuggingVersion <String>]: Remote debugging version.
            [RequestCount <Int32?>]: Request Count.
            [RequestTimeInterval <String>]: Time interval.
            [RequestTracingEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if request tracing is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [RequestTracingExpirationTime <DateTime?>]: Request tracing expiration time.
            [ScmIPSecurityRestriction <IIPSecurityRestriction[]>]: IP security restrictions for scm.
            [ScmIPSecurityRestrictionsUseMain <Boolean?>]: IP security restrictions for scm to use main.
            [ScmType <ScmType?>]: SCM type.
            [SlowRequestCount <Int32?>]: Request Count.
            [SlowRequestTimeInterval <String>]: Time interval.
            [SlowRequestTimeTaken <String>]: Time taken.
            [TagWhitelistJson <String>]: Gets or sets a JSON string containing a list of tags that are whitelisted for use by the push registration endpoint.
            [TagsRequiringAuth <String>]: Gets or sets a JSON string containing a list of tags that require user authentication to be used in the push registration endpoint.         Tags can consist of alphanumeric
        characters and the following:         '_', '@', '#', '.', ':', '-'.         Validation should be performed at the PushRequestHandler.
            [TracingOption <String>]: Tracing options.
            [TriggerPrivateBytesInKb <Int32?>]: A rule based on private bytes.
            [TriggerStatusCode <IStatusCodesBasedTrigger[]>]: A rule based on status codes.
              [Count <Int32?>]: Request Count.
              [Status <Int32?>]: HTTP status code.
              [SubStatus <Int32?>]: Request Sub Status.
              [TimeInterval <String>]: Time interval.
              [Win32Status <Int32?>]: Win32 error code.
            [Use32BitWorkerProcess <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to use 32-bit worker process; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [VirtualApplication <IVirtualApplication[]>]: Virtual applications.
              [PhysicalPath <String>]: Physical path.
              [PreloadEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if preloading is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
              [VirtualDirectory <IVirtualDirectory[]>]: Virtual directories for virtual application.
                [PhysicalPath <String>]: Physical path.
                [VirtualPath <String>]: Path to virtual application.
              [VirtualPath <String>]: Virtual path.
            [VnetName <String>]: Virtual Network name.
            [WebSocketsEnabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if WebSocket is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
            [WindowsFxVersion <String>]: Xenon App Framework and version
            [XManagedServiceIdentityId <Int32?>]: Explicit Managed Service Identity Id
          [ContainerSize <Int32?>]: Size of the function container.
          [DailyMemoryTimeQuota <Int32?>]: Maximum allowed daily memory-time quota (applicable on dynamic apps only).
          [Enabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if the app is enabled; otherwise, <code>false</code>. Setting this value to false disables the app (takes the app offline).
          [HostNameSslState <IHostNameSslState[]>]: Hostname SSL states are used to manage the SSL bindings for app's hostnames.
            [HostType <HostType?>]: Indicates whether the hostname is a standard or repository hostname.
            [Name <String>]: Hostname.
            [SslState <SslState?>]: SSL type.
            [Thumbprint <String>]: SSL certificate thumbprint.
            [ToUpdate <Boolean?>]: Set to <code>true</code> to update existing hostname.
            [VirtualIP <String>]: Virtual IP address assigned to the hostname if IP based SSL is enabled.
          [HostNamesDisabled <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to disable the public hostnames of the app; otherwise, <code>false</code>.          If <code>true</code>, the app is only accessible via API management process.
          [HostingEnvironmentProfileId <String>]: Resource ID of the App Service Environment.
          [HttpsOnly <Boolean?>]: HttpsOnly: configures a web site to accept only https requests. Issues redirect for         http requests
          [HyperV <Boolean?>]: Hyper-V sandbox.
          [IdentityType <ManagedServiceIdentityType?>]: Type of managed service identity.
          [IdentityUserAssignedIdentity <IManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentities>]: The list of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource
        ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}
            [(Any) <IComponents1Jq1T4ISchemasManagedserviceidentityPropertiesUserassignedidentitiesAdditionalproperties>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
          [IsXenon <Boolean?>]: Obsolete: Hyper-V sandbox.
          [RedundancyMode <RedundancyMode?>]: Site redundancy mode
          [Reserved <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> if reserved; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
          [ScmSiteAlsoStopped <Boolean?>]: <code>true</code> to stop SCM (KUDU) site when the app is stopped; otherwise, <code>false</code>. The default is <code>false</code>.
          [ServerFarmId <String>]: Resource ID of the associated App Service plan, formatted as: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{appServicePlanName}".

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

    PS C:\>Update-AzFunctionApp -Name MyUniqueFunctionAppName -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroupName -PlanName NewPlanName

Steps to reproduce

Get-Help Update-AzFunctionApp -Full

Environment data

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.0.6
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.0.6
OS                             Microsoft Windows 6.2.9200
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

Module versions

PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable Az.Functions

    Directory: C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                PSEdition ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                --------- ----------------
Script     2.0.0                 Az.Functions                        Core,Desk {Get-AzFunctionApp, Get-AzFunctionAppAvailableLocation, Get-AzFunctionAppPlan, Get-AzFunctionAppSetting…}

PS C:\>
Francisco-Gamino commented 3 years ago

Hello @dingmeng-xue and @dolauli -- The help content of the Az.Functions cmdlets include a section to build a complex type that should not be there. I think this content is being added by the tooling when moving/converting the cmdlet code from the generation to the master branch. Could you please take a look? Than you.

dingmeng-xue commented 3 years ago

Thanks Francisco, ISite object contains those attributes. We hope to align to csharp object and show all to end user. But current location is not accurate. Ideally we will show them in dotnet reference doc.

SDK based cmdlet has the similar issue and no way to get the attributes of object. We are planning this work.

Francisco-Gamino commented 3 years ago

Thanks @dingmeng-xue for the update.