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The Known Issues of Az.Accounts 3.0.0 and Their Workarounds #25005

Open msJinLei opened 1 month ago

msJinLei commented 1 month ago

1. The interactive login method cannot popup window for WAM

Report an error "User canceled authentication" Refer to

[!NOTE] Fixed in which Az.Accounts will integrate in the upcoming release.

2. Azure PowerShell cmdlets are unable to run after login with Username+Password or DeviceCode


  1. Login interactively with the same account on the same machine
  2. If 1 is not applicable, disable WAM
    Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam $false

    [!NOTE] MSAL team is intensely working on the issue and is about to release the fix recently.

    Root cause

    The root cause was found to be an issue with the cache of MSAL. See

3. WAM pop-up window to select an account is not easy to find

4. WAM pop-up window doesn't display "Work and school account" option

slavizh commented 1 month ago

What about

weyCC81 commented 1 month ago

In ISE, on Windows 11 mine says the following, does this correlate?

# 12.0.0    Az
# 3.0.0     Az.Accounts
# 6.0.0     Az.KeyVault
Connect-AzAccount -Tenantid [TenantID] -Subscription [Subscription]
# > Connect-AzAccount : InteractiveBrowserCredential authentication failed: A window handle must be configured. See 
# > Could not find tenant id for provided tenant domain '[TenantID]'. Please ensure that the provided user is found in the provided tenant domain.
msJinLei commented 1 month ago

What about #25003?

Thanks for reporting the issue. I reply in it.

msJinLei commented 1 month ago

In ISE, on Windows 11 mine says the following, does this correlate?

# 12.0.0    Az
# 3.0.0     Az.Accounts
# 6.0.0     Az.KeyVault
Connect-AzAccount -Tenantid [TenantID] -Subscription [Subscription]
# > Connect-AzAccount : InteractiveBrowserCredential authentication failed: A window handle must be configured. See 
# > Could not find tenant id for provided tenant domain '[TenantID]'. Please ensure that the provided user is found in the provided tenant domain.

@weyCC81 Thanks for reporting the issue. I shall say yes

Please disable WAM to workaround it firstly

Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam $false
msJinLei commented 1 month ago

In ISE, on Windows 11 mine says the following, does this correlate?

# 12.0.0    Az
# 3.0.0     Az.Accounts
# 6.0.0     Az.KeyVault
Connect-AzAccount -Tenantid [TenantID] -Subscription [Subscription]
# > Connect-AzAccount : InteractiveBrowserCredential authentication failed: A window handle must be configured. See 
# > Could not find tenant id for provided tenant domain '[TenantID]'. Please ensure that the provided user is found in the provided tenant domain.

@weyCC81 Yes, we have reported your issue to MSAL

spongemike2 commented 2 weeks ago

I get the same issue whenever I run from an elevated console window. Running the:

Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam $false

...command fixes it.