Azure / azure-powershell

Microsoft Azure PowerShell
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Different results from Azure portal vs Azure Powershell modules #25054

Open cpiescik opened 3 weeks ago

cpiescik commented 3 weeks ago


It's entirely possible that this is just user error on my part, but it seems like odd behavior to me. My apologies if this is something dumb. Basically when I run:

get-azroledefinition helpdesk*

I get an error back that states the following:

WARNING: No role definitions were found with those conditions. WARNING: If the role was created recently keep in mind there's a slight delay between creation and public view. WARNING: Please try again later.

If I run:

get-azroledefinition | where {$ -like "Help"} | select name | sort Name

I get a blank return.

I have verified that I am in the correct subscription and tenant and that HelpDesk Administrator is a valid built-in role. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

Script or Debug output

No response

Environment data

No response

Module versions


Error output

No response

NoriZC commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @cpiescik, Could you please try running. get-azroledefinition | where {$ -like "Help*"} | select name | sort Name

cpiescik commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @cpiescik, Could you please try running. get-azroledefinition | where {$ -like "Help*"} | select name | sort Name I tried that and it returned nothing. I also tried where {$ -like "Help"} and got the same result. I have verified the role exists through the Azure Portal though.

NoriZC commented 2 weeks ago

@cpiescik Can the expected role be fetched by get-azroledefinition -Name "<role name>"?