Azure / azure-powershell

Microsoft Azure PowerShell
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[Feature]: `Get/Update-AzConfig` make `LoginExperienceV2` a boolean like the rest #25311

Open o-l-a-v opened 3 weeks ago

o-l-a-v commented 3 weeks ago

Description of the new feature

Make the AzConfig property / setting LoginExperienceV2 a boolean like the rest. And maybe change the setting name from LoginExperienceV2 to EnableLoginExperienceV2 to make it uniform. As far as I know this setting only got two options anyways?

Output of Get-AzConfig currently:

PS> Get-AzConfig

Key                           Value Applies To Scope       Help Message
---                           ----- ---------- -----       ------------
CheckForUpgrade               False Az         CurrentUser When enabled, Azure PowerShell will check for updates autom…
DefaultSubscriptionForLogin         Az         Default     Subscription name or GUID. Sets the default context for Azu…
DisableInstanceDiscovery      False Az         Default     Set it to true to disable both instance discovery and autho…
DisplayBreakingChangeWarning  False Az         CurrentUser Controls if warning messages for breaking changes are displ…
DisplayRegionIdentified       True  Az         Default     When enabled, Azure PowerShell displays recommendations on …
DisplaySecretsWarning         True  Az         Default     When enabled, a warning message will be displayed when the …
DisplaySurveyMessage          False Az         CurrentUser When enabled, you are prompted infrequently to participate …
EnableDataCollection          True  Az         Default     When enabled, Azure PowerShell cmdlets send telemetry data …
EnableErrorRecordsPersistence False Az         Default     When enabled, error records will be written to ~/.Azure/Err…
EnableLoginByWam              False Az         CurrentUser When enabled, Web Account Manager (WAM) will be the default…
LoginExperienceV2             Off   Az         CurrentUser Only active when authenticating interactively, allows the u…


Proposed implementation details (optional)

# Yes please
Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginExperienceV2 $false

# No thanks
Update-AzConfig -LoginExperienceV2 'Off'
isra-fel commented 3 weeks ago

Tricky part is backward compatibility. Adding @BethanyZhou