Azure / azure-powershell

Microsoft Azure PowerShell
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get-AzBlueprint's version field is returned as a JObject, not a powershell object #9204

Closed ChristopherGLewis closed 5 years ago

ChristopherGLewis commented 5 years ago


get-AzBlueprint's version field is returned as a JObject, not a powershell object You can see this with a simple GetType()

EDIT: bug report lost all details - replacing

Steps to reproduce

PS C:\VSProjects> $BPName = "Net-Spoke"
$bp = Get-AzBlueprint -ManagementGroupId $MyManagementGroupID -Name $BPName

PS C:\VSProjects> $bp.Versions.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                                                                                                      
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                                                                      
True     False    JObject                                  Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer                                                                               

PS C:\VSProjects> $bp.Versions.Count

PS C:\VSProjects> $bp.Versions.ToString()
  "1.0": {
    "datePublished": "2019-05-10T22:36:28Z",
    "changeNotes": "Initial Release"
  "1.1": {
    "datePublished": "2019-05-10T22:39:42Z"
  "1.2": {
    "datePublished": "2019-05-10T23:22:41Z"
  "1.3": {
    "datePublished": "2019-05-14T20:27:40Z",
    "changeNotes": "Some Notes"

PS C:\VSProjects> $bp.Versions.'1.0'

HasValues    : False
Type         : Date
Parent       : {}
Root         : {1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1...}
Next         : 
Previous     : 
Path         : ['1.0'].datePublished
First        : 
Last         : 
LineNumber   : 0
LinePosition : 0

HasValues    : False
Type         : String
Parent       : {}
Root         : {1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1...}
Next         : 
Previous     : 
Path         : ['1.0'].changeNotes
First        : 
Last         : 
LineNumber   : 0
LinePosition : 0

Environment data

PS C:\VSProjects> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value                                                                                                                                     
----                           -----                                                                                                                                     
PSVersion                      5.1.17763.316                                                                                                                             
PSEdition                      Desktop                                                                                                                                   
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}                                                                                                                   
BuildVersion                   10.0.17763.316                                                                                                                            
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000                                                                                                                           
WSManStackVersion              3.0                                                                                                                                       
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3     

Module versions

Script     0.1.0      Az.Blueprint                        {Get-AzBlueprint, Get-AzBlueprintAssignment, New-AzBlueprintAssignment, Remove-AzBlueprintAssignment...}       

Debug output

Error output

MiYanni commented 5 years ago

@filizt Can you verify that the output type being returned by the cmdlet is correct? The documentation shows System.Object.

filizt commented 5 years ago

@filizt Can you verify that the output type being returned by the cmdlet is correct? The documentation shows System.Object.


filizt commented 5 years ago

Hey @ChristopherGLewis - current behavior is expected since we made some design decisions in the past and what you see (versions field type being JObject) is manifestation of that. That being said, our team agreed that we should provide a better experience here, so I'm working on a fix. It should be going out in the next release of AzBlueprint module.

MiYanni commented 5 years ago

@filizt I would highly advise against exposing any types from the Newtonsoft.Json library. The version of this library that is used is directly linked to the version of PowerShell you are using (Windows PowerShell, PowerShell Core 6.0/6.1/6.2). So, you may have significant issues when users try to run the cmdlets in these different environments. Here's just a small informational table showing the version differences:

Windows PowerShell 5.1 PowerShell Core 6.0 PowerShell Core 6.1 PowerShell Core 6.2
Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.8 10.0.3 11.0.2 12.0.1
ChristopherGLewis commented 5 years ago

I don’t believe any of the other Az cmdlets expose anything but standard PowerShell objects.

I wasn’t looking forwards to re-learning jobject parsing...