Azure / azure-query-js

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Future of queryjs/migrate to typescript ? #16

Open ericmbarnard opened 8 years ago

ericmbarnard commented 8 years ago

This doesn't look to be super-active, but it appears to be a core part of the Azure Mobile Apps Node project.

Is this being maintained/PRs accepted if someone wanted to migrate this to TS?

danderson00 commented 8 years ago

Hey Eric, the only plan at the moment is to release it as an npm module. There is a simple TS interface definition for a query object at If you are just after type safety and intellisense, maybe a more thorough definition that's part of this module might be simpler?

ericmbarnard commented 8 years ago

@danderson00 I guess I'm more wondering what the plan is for this repo once it is released as an NPM module? It doesn't seem to have had anything done to it in the last 2 years, and it appears to be a fairly critical piece of the azure-mobile-apps-node project. No criticism intended - I'm just wondering if bugs/code changes are going to made going forward - will it continue to be made in CoffeeScript, or will azure-mobile-apps-node move to different library?


danderson00 commented 8 years ago

It's more that the library has not required any changes or bug fixes, it's been fairly rock solid. There are no bugs that we're aware of.

I'd love to see a more modern library for creating, transporting and translating expressions, but we don't have the bandwidth for it, so queryjs is likely to stay as the solution for this for some time.

ericmbarnard commented 8 years ago

Gotchya - yeah, I was looking at how to implement joins or relationships - but didn't know if it would be a waste of time or not.

danderson00 commented 8 years ago

Cool, this is definitely something we would be interested in looking at. With Mobile Apps, there is a bunch more to consider like how to split out related items on update / insert. In the world of .NET, LINQ and Entity Framework do a lot of the heavy lifting.

ericmbarnard commented 8 years ago

Exactly - it would be ideal to have a version of EF in Node (or some kind of supported ORM that came close).

I realize //BUILD is coming up and there's always new stuff coming out, but I can at least feel like investing in this library won't be a waste of my time?

danderson00 commented 8 years ago

We would certainly consume any improvements you contribute! If you end up starting to implement some sort of relationship support, give us a yell and we can collaborate on the design to make sure it benefits us both as much as possible.

Ross-Rawlins commented 7 years ago

Did you guys ever get round to this?