Azure / azure-quickstart-templates

Azure Quickstart Templates
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application-gateway-logviewer-goaccess - 404 Error with no report.html created #5382

Open rskeel opened 5 years ago

rskeel commented 5 years ago

application-gateway-logviewer-goaccess -

Issue Details

Ran the deployment twice both times the deployment completed succesfully and VM publically accessible with the index.html page displaying ok

Issue is the report.html seems to not be creating

SSH'd into the VM installed the "locate" function and unable to find report.html

all that is in the /var/www/html folder is index.html

Attempted to manually re-install the packages listed in Github by copy and paste and all completed (apart from the SAS tokens which complained) however the report.html file still isn't created

So just to confirm, the parameters were filled in and accepted and the template deployed without error however the report.html file is not being created hence viewing http://VMpublicDNSname/report.html a 404 is displated

rskeel commented 5 years ago

The logprocessor deployed via linux custom script extension seems to error when attempting to collect the access logs

Re-deployed demo script and go access deployment into new region but same error applies

Further info can be found here -

marcelboccato commented 5 years ago

Hi @rskeel. I've deployed manually VM, GoAcess/Apache by following the .sh avaliable on branch master. And created report.html successfully, with no erros, but with no data, cause AppGateway Log Processor can't retrieve logs from my storage account.

Look my issue:

Could be the same problem?

subsarma commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, we're looking into this.

surajmb commented 5 years ago

Hi @rskeel the issue could be with the SAS URI. The one used in your case is created from the Storage account level. However, for GoAccess to access the logs, you might need to provide container-level SAS URI for "insights-logs-applicationgatewayaccesslog".

Please check the updated ReadMe document here for further instructions on SAS URI generation:

Once done, please replace the URI with the existing one in the /usr/share/appgatewaylogprocessor/blobsasuri.key file. Further instructions can be found here.