Open jrgithub opened 5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @panchagnula, @nking92, @antcp
Taking a look at this.
the command shows whatever the API returns the change needs to be on the API level
This issue is about Azure PowerShell rather than .net SDK. Transfering it into the powershell repo.
Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @antcp, @AzureAppServiceCLI.
@btardif do you know if we are planning on fixing this property return value with upcoming changes?
@panchagnula There are plans to store the configured dot-net version for windows. today this is not being stored by backend since platform can auto-detect at runtime. There is no timeline for this change.
@panchagnula , Can we know what change need in swagger? if no and it is only need change in service side. suggest to move this issue back to Azure/azure-powershell , if yes. can you specify something more detail? Thanks
When assigning a variable to this:
$enumAppService = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resName -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $website.Name -ApiVersion 2018-02-01
And then writing to screen like this: Write-host $enumAppService.Properties.NetFrameworkVersion
The output is always v4.0 (this may align to what is seen via However, this is inaccurate as a view of the resource on Azure Portal reflects the right version (e.g. v4.5). Also, when using the more recent "-ApiVersion 2019-04-01" as part of the variable the issue is not resolved.
Please advise and correct this as appropriate.
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
Script 1.6.0 Az.Accounts {Add-AzEnvironment, Clear-AzContext, Clear-AzDefault, Connect-AzAccount...}
Script 1.6.0 Az.Resources {Add-AzADGroupMember, Export-AzResourceGroup, Get-AzADAppCredential, Get-AzADApplication...}
Script 1.3.0 Az.Websites {Edit-AzWebAppBackupConfiguration, Enter-AzWebAppContainerPSSession, Get-AzAppServicePlan, Get-AzAppServicePlanMetric...}
Script ISE {Get-IseSnippet, Import-IseSnippet, New-IseSnippet}
Manifest Microsoft.PowerShell.Management {Add-Computer, Add-Content, Checkpoint-Computer, Clear-Content...}
Manifest Microsoft.PowerShell.Security {ConvertFrom-SecureString, ConvertTo-SecureString, Get-Acl, Get-AuthenticodeSignature...}
Manifest Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object...}
Manifest Microsoft.WSMan.Management {Connect-WSMan, Disable-WSManCredSSP, Disconnect-WSMan, Enable-WSManCredSSP...}