Azure / azure-saas

The Azure SaaS Development Kit (ASDK) provides a reference architecture, deployable reference implementation and tools to help developers, startups, ISVs and Enterprises deliver their applications as a SaaS service. A platform for platform creators.
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Deployment Guide Documentation needs more clarity and guidance. #221

Closed 1iveowl closed 1 year ago

1iveowl commented 1 year ago

Add these to documentation:

  1. The location specified on the initConfig section of the config.json file must be a valid name within the locations displayed once you run the command (az account list-locations --output table). This must be within the name column of the output and not the displayname column e.g francecentral is valid but using France Central will prevent the certificate-policy.json file from being generated.
  2. Uninstall previous versions of CLI and follow the installation guide provided here. If you had installed the windows msi version of the az-cli previously while working with PowerShell, your container might be unable to pull az-cli credentials if proper configurations are not done within WSL. In my case I uninstalled all previous versions of az-cli and run( curl -sL | sudo bash) for the container to persist the credentials.
  3. Uninstall all previous versions of gh cli before running the gh cli install command provided here . I was running on version 2.4 of gh cli that caused the deployment to generate GH_Token exceptions and running gh auth token command could not generate the authentication token required to complete the deployment. Remember to run gh --version to confirm your gh cli version before attempting to execute ./ The current stable version of gh cli which is yielding a seamless deployment is 2.29.0

Originally posted by @jwanyeki in